Fic In 15
15 minute ficlets a week.

User: [info]ex_warhorse426
Date: 2007-06-17 20:25
Subject: Prompt 001
Security: Public
Tags:prompt 001, prompts

Alright! It's that time.

Remember not to look at the prompt until you're ready write. Once your fifteen minutes are up, and you're done with you ficlet, either post it here in the comments, or post it as a link in the comments with the appropriate warnings. If you post the prompt anywhere (IE your own journal) please place it under an lj-cut so as not to spoil others.

And the prompt of the week is...

Prompt 001 )

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User: [info]ex_warhorse426
Date: 2007-06-06 22:11
Subject: Just as a note!
Security: Public

Hurr. I have not forgotten this place! I'm working on pulling it together as we speak, and a date of...Um...Startage will be coming soon. Just so you know.

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my journal
June 2007