Saturday, November 24th, 2007

Looking for an older Buffy story

I see that most of you folks here are into QAF, but Joss Whedon was in the group interests so I'm hoping you can help me out. I've already tried, the buffy fic finder list on yahoo groups and my google-fu has failed me.

All that being said, I'm looking for a story I read a few years back, about the Initiative drugging Buffy and sending her into heat. She was supposed to go after Riley but she ends up in LA the night Angel gets drugged into being Angelus, and jumps him.

She ends up pregnant with his baby, but tells everyone it was just some random guy.

I vaguely remember the Initiative capturing Angel and drugging him so he becomes Angelus. He's protective of Buffy, because he believes the baby is his.

I was so sure this story was called "Psych" but I can't find it anywhere.

Anyone got any ideas?
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