So they he said something...
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Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

    Time Event
    I used to follow a LOTRPS AU series on livejournal with Viggo and Orlando. Viggo was a English or History?? teacher and Orlando was a very brazen student of his, only just past jailbait territory, nearly getting Viggo fired because of their little affair when Viggo's coworker, Bean, discovered them...Viggo ditched him on principal, Orlando tried to drink himself to death in response...The author ended the series on a happy note, all was well, and then she reopened it with some new chapters, the see a play in an outdoor amphitheater... but I lost track of it.

    Anybody know it? Really very well written, very hot, slightly kinky.

    One moment sticks out in my mind because it was disturbing... behind the cut...
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