So they he said something...
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Monday, March 31st, 2008

    Time Event
    I Hope Someone Can Help Me
    This has been driving me nuts all day (which is not a good thing when you're trying to study for a state exam for paralegals). Anyway, does this sound familiar:

    The fic is basically snapshots from Brian and Justin's life. The only part I clearly remember is Brian trying to dodge puddles in NYC and looks up to see Justin and Gus on the other side of the street. Gus darts out into traffic with Justin trying to catch him. They almost get hit by a taxi.

    This is all I remember. Oh, I'm fairly certain I read it at Queer Eyes but I could be making that part up, I don't remember very well.

    I do know it's not a death!fic or anything like that. B/J are perfectly happy, horny and alive at the end of it. :D

    *wanders off to study some more*

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