So they he said something...
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Saturday, December 1st, 2007

    Time Event
    QAF US/UK crossover.
    Okay, this has been bothering me for a while. I read a QAF US/UK crossover featuring Stuart who comes to Pittsburgh and helps Brian understand the whole relationship thing with Justin. It was a pretty good fic (a bit cracky) and had them visiting England with Stuart and his partner (basically the UK equivalents to Brian and Justin)

    I'm almost 100% sure it was on but I can't find it. Anyone else read it? This has been bothering me for about a month now.

    Solved! The Kane Series by Erin.
    On a Quest - sorta
    Does anyone remember reading a fic in which Brian goes on Survior? I know it was post season three but, other than that, I can't remember much else about it.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: "One" by Metallica

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