So they he said something...
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Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

    Time Event
    I imagine there will be many intro-posts in the next few days, so let's get this over with. I'm 21, female, read primarily Harry Potter with interest in other fandoms too. Looking forward to the fanfiction!

    Also, may I suggest that HP is a big fandom, with much demand for fic searches and traffic on IJ. We should add Harry Potter to the list of interests, and spruce up the profile page a bit - if the mod/maint. can't I'd be happy to!

    Merry meet! ~Mary
    wind beneath my wings - qaf
    QAF fic in which brian sings/quotes the lyrics from the song "Wind beneath my wings" to Justin?

    I know i know it, and i can't think of it, and it's driving me insane. please help.

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