Final Fantasy VII

For Fandom

Question about the trip made by Zack & Cloud @ 11:58 am

Current Mood: curious

I know geography in games is a nebulous thing at best. ;-) But I haven't played Crises Core and didn't see anything in the script, so... my question is this: did they ever explicitly say how Zack and Cloud crossed the ocean to get from the continent Nibelheim and Gongaga are on to the one Midgar is on?

No-Winged Angel (Lucrecia/Vincent - non-con) @ 03:33 pm

Title: No-Winged Angel
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Non-con (drugs and bondage), hints of xeno
Word count: 1029
Summary: This is not the way either of them imagined it would be.
Prompt: Lucrecia/Vincent: Non-con (sex under the influence of drugs) - "Why couldn't you save me from myself?"
A/N: Something about this pairing just makes me want to cry…


Fic: Autumn Has Departed (Tseng) @ 09:27 pm

Title: Autumn Has Departed
Rating: PG
Characters: Tseng, Rufus cameo, mentions of Zack
Summary: After the stigma comes the cleansing. Everyone in Shinra has their own forms of absolution; Tseng's is pilgrimage.
Warnings: Set after AC, with a whole lot of arbitrary worldbuilding thrown in for kicks.

1527 words and this waka:

If I knew the way
I'd seek it out and set forth too;
With scarlet leaves
Woven into offerings,
Autumn has departed

'There's something I need to do,' Tseng replied. )