August 2009

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August 2nd, 2008

[info]ninja_empress in [info]ffvii_auditions

Food, glorious food!

Yuffie scrambled up a conveniently-placed light pole, perched at the top as she looked around the area that she and Vincent were in now. Food? Some sort of restaurant, or shop, or something? She couldn't see anything just yet, but she tried sniffing at the air to see if she could smell anything at all.

If she was really hungry, she'd have sent her ninjas out to look around as well. As it was, this was more about the adventure part of things at the moment, so she didn't mind taking her time.

[info]ironwillironrod in [info]ffvii_auditions

ooh shi--

"We've gotta hurry - you know how Verdot gets when we're late, Ren! I ain't cleaning the SOLDIER showers *again*!"

He really hated when they lost track of time. Fourty minutes before a meeting had rapidly dwindled to five the moment they'd step foot inside those showers, and now the younger of the two - the 'rookie' of five years - was having a hard time walking. He yanked the towel from the rack outside, leaning over to give the redhead a quick kiss before springing outside, towel wrapping around his waist. He shut his eyes, cringing at the soap still in them, and turned to the sinks to finish making himself appear the ever respectable Turk.

After blinking several times, effectively ridding him eyes of soap, dear Rod made two startling discoveries.

One, they were now well past the alloted time for the meeting.

and two, the Turk's private bathrooms had suddenly been switched to the ground floor... and the wall was missing.

Wait, what the HELL?!

"... R-reno...?"