Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

First Prompt!

Since I started this on a different day then my LJ community, prompts here will be given out here on Tuesdays. o.O Which means there's a three/four day difference between posting here and there. ^-^ That means you have extra time to create your drabbles! Or if you run out time over there, you can come here and post your work. Hey, that works out mighty fine, don't you think?

First prompt - Morning

Is someone having a good morning? A bad morning? Is Selphie a morning person and Quistis not? Does it remind Fran of her younger days? Any interperation is fine, so long as your drabble is about morning or someone mentioning it. The choice is yours!  Your drabble can be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words, exactly. Please follow the posting rules on the profile page.

This prompt will be up for seven days, ending April 21st, 2009, noon (EST).

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