Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Fourth Prompt!

Aw, no one creeped out of the dark to take up the prompt. I was busy this week, so even I couldn't get a drabble in. >< My bad. Anyway, it's May and that means one thing - Cinco de Mayo!

Fourth prompt - Cinco de Mayo

Is Selphie organizing a Cinco de Mayo party at the Garden? Are Paine and Yuna remembering their first date? Is Agrias practicing some spanish to impress Alma with?  Any interperation is fine, so long as your drabble is about Cinco de Mayo or someone mentioning it. The choice is yours!  Your drabble can be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words, exactly. Multiple drabbles are exceptable! Also, please follow the posting rules on the profile page.

This prompt will remain up until May 12th, 2009, noon (EST).

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