Final Fantasy yuri drabbles
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Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    Sixth Prompt
    No sparks seemed to fly this week either. I better get someone to check the wiring... I'm not saying someone did anything to it.... <.< But I may be implying it. That's odd because this week's prompt is...

    Sixth prompt - Allegation

    Someone's accusing someone of something, be it true or not. Is Tifa accusing Yuffie of stealing the new materia (again)? Does Beatrix think Freya's lying about her past? Is Rikku shocked that Paine is accusing her of losing a dresspshere? Any interperation is fine, so long as your drabble is about an allegation or someone mentioning it. The choice is yours!  Your drabble can be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words, exactly. Multiple drabbles are exceptable! Also, please follow the posting rules on the profile page.

    This prompt will remain up until Tuesday, May 26th, 2009, noon (EST).


    Really, feel free to come in and leave a drabble, even if it's just one. *sad face*

    Current Mood: gloomy

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