Feyjournal.com OOC's Journal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in Feyjournal.com OOC's InsaneJournal:

    Thursday, September 20th, 2007
    11:31 am
    Well, we're starting to get a few dead people, and there was some IC discussion on the topic, so howsabout that afterlife?

    We know basically nothing about the PW afterlife, so what kind of afterlife would we like? Disembodied spirits? Heaven and hell? Grim Fandango? Prinnies?

    There's no real need to coordinate, since there are enough afterlives for everyone, but what do you guys think? (Live characters answer, too!)
    Monday, September 17th, 2007
    1:01 am
    Hey, everybody!
    I'm happy to see people are signing up now! We're starting up a little slowly, but feel free to comment and post to both the OOC and IC comms!

    Also, some of us know each other, but not everybody! LET'S HAVE A CORNY INTRODUCTIONS POST!

    ETA: Maybe with some contact info so we can plan dumb stuff out? I'm trueuncreativity on aim! Hmm, maybe we should make an IRC room...
    Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
    7:41 pm
    Reserve characters here! Reservations last one week, and you can reserve one character at a time!

    Friday, September 7th, 2007
    12:30 pm


    Phoenix Wright - [info]fight4urwright | riley_boi
    Mia Fey - [info]truedefenseaura | hermisia


    Miles Edgeworth - [info]procureurmiles | diala
    Manfred von Karma - [info]pobodys_nerfect | [info]uncreativity
    Franziska von Karma - [info]whipadeadhorse | [info]uncreativity


    Dick Gumshoe - [info]detective_dick | comicsan
    Larry Butz - [info]mustbethebutz | _rachelmunkii


    Shelly De Killer - [info]hesellseashells | cal
    Ron DeLite - [info]unmaskdemasque | cal


    Violetta Cadaverini - [info]moreteavicar | zizzo_no_ai


    Luke Atmey - [info]vanitypress | svenji

    Damon Gant - [info]chiefofpolice | sunflowerraven
    Thursday, September 6th, 2007
    1:15 am

    • Stay IC! A hit of crack each day keeps the withdrawl away, but that's no excuse to be out of character.

    • No godmoding! You are in charge of your character and nobody else's.

    • Play nice! As Jerry always used to say, "Take care of yourselves, and each other." If you have issues with someone, please try to contact them directly. If the issue still hasn't been resolved, then you can take it to [info]uncreativity!

    • No onscreen sex! If you desire coitus uninterruptus, please take it to the character's private journal and label it, that we may all read it at our leisure.

    • Post in the community! All IC interaction should be visible to the entire community, even posts that are locked ICly. No AIM logs or anything like that. The only exception is the previously mentioned smut. You do that sort of thing on your own time. ♥

    • Not all posts need to be journal posts! The dead can only communicate through journals, but the living can convene as the living do. If your post is going to be in-person instead of through the journals, please label it so.
    • Stay active! We'd like to see you posting or threading at least every other week. We'll do our best to poke you, but in the interest of keeping this game running, inactive characters WILL BE IDLED WITHOUT HESITATION.

    • Let's grammar! We can't all be perfect von Karma grammar Nazis, but let's all do our best at spelling/grammar/punctuation, okay?

    Mod Contact:

    [info]uncreativity and hermisia are your happy helpful mod-like people! Uncreativity can be reached at yucee-at-uncreativity-dot-com, and lately she's on AIM a lot as trueuncreativity.
    1:20 am

    • Please to be reading the rules before applying!

    • Each player can play two characters.

    • All characters must be from Phoenix Wright. No OCs, no AUs of characters from other series.

    • Besides that, they must be from the first three games. Nothing against the fourth game, but we'd like to wait until it's out in English!

    • Must have enough screentime to define the character; rule of thumb is that if they were dead before the start of their case, they're not appable. (Ex. Mia Fey is okay, Gregory Edgeworth and Juan Corrida are not.)

    • Game 3 characters are hunky-dory, but please keep Game 3 spoilers to a BARE MINIMUM in your app.

    • Comment here with your app, and wait for [info]uncreativity or [info]truedefenseaura to approve you!

    The Application Form:

    Your Nick:

    Your personal LJ/IJ (please specify which it is so I can link to it properly!):

    Character Name:

    If this character is dead, he/she died via:

    Pretend I got bashed over the head with a fire extinguisher and have amnesia. This character would best be described as:

    Sample post:

    Finally, an MS Paint (or equivalent) drawing of this character's most important relationship:

    Once you have finished your application, comment here and wait for your approval!
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