Feverus is Love

January 6th, 2008

This is the Journal for those who adore Feverus - the pairng of Severus Snape and Fenrir Greyback. We welcome all who walk under the red and black banner.


Don't forget to enter the Drabble Contest! The Prompt is 'First'. Bonus points to those who include the words 'coffee, peacock, green, silk', and 'cake'.


January 6th, 2008

just a quick question...

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Who here can picture Fenrir studying Demonology?
Alright, how about teaching it?
Think THAT over, little ones.

-Dr. G. House

Holiday Snenrir

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[info]the_con_cept wrote the most fantabulous Christmas-themed Snenrir ficlet for me, Christmas Condiments, with the prompt I had given her of Mistletoe and plum pudding are not usually part of a werewolf's Christmas celebrations -- especially if said werewolf is Fenrir Greyback. I thought I should let other folks in this community know about it, as it is simply scrumptious.
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