Feudal Hearts

August 26th, 2010

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Feudal Hearts


August 26th, 2010

at the keep - cont.

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The Prince immediately took advantage of the ability to cuddle up against his beloved in the privacy of his room. He wrapped his arms around Riku’s middle and held on. “I am glad you are not afraid, for I am often terrified.” He tried his best to have confidence in Balamb, confidence in his Father and confidence in himself. He would never show less in front of anyone. That was why he was so grateful for Riku. For there to be at least one person for him to admit he was scared. “Terrified and doubtful, and worried. I suppose it is what makes me feel the most stressed.” He REALLY believed in his Father, but as of right now, he didn’t fully believe in himself yet, and he certainly did not really think any Trabians would come to help. He did not hold any hope in that, even if he tried to encourage it in others.
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