a deadly, poetic infection ([info]sappholococcus) wrote in [info]fem_exchange,
i felt this icon was appropriate for the amount of flaily squee that is about to occur.
OMFG. Nngh, that's amazing. I love your Luna and your Bellatrix and your Morag (though I don't usually picture her with freckles, but minor details!!!). It's brilliant and I love it and dskfhsdkjfhdskjh I want more but I shouldn't be greedy I want more!!

Thank you so much, mystery author. It's beautiful and sick and fantastic and I'm going to read it again. :D :D :D

“What at very sad place your world is,” Luna murmurs pityingly. “I would like you to be in my After. We could kiss all we pleased.”

Oh, LUNA. Poor, awesome, lovely Luna - and holy crap I don't even have the words for how much I'm grinning right now. It's lovely, and that's an understatement. I WANT TO FRIEND YOU AND LOFF ON YOU AND. I'll stop being creepy now. ♥

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