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Nov. 5th, 2015


WHO: Maks Volkov & Taryn Howard
WHAT: A Very Serious Discussion about a Very Serious Issue
WHERE: The Volkov/Howard home in the Cotswolds
WHEN: The evening of 6th November (Not a flashback!!)
RATING: TBD, likely some harsh language

Sometimes life doesn't go according to plan. )

Oct. 31st, 2015


WHO: Maks Volkov & Taryn Howard
WHAT: Taryn's first formal dinner Chez Volkov.
WHERE: Volkov Estate, Alexeyevka, Russia
WHEN: September 1997

It was a fairly narrow escape that had seen Taryn get out of Britain, once Muggleborns had been rounded up. )

Oct. 25th, 2015


WHO: Maks Volkov & Taryn Howard
WHAT: First meetings and encounters along the way (Opening Feast, first lesson, becoming friends)
WHERE: Hogwarts
WHEN: October 1994

Maks took his first step onto solid ground in hours with a look of curiosity and gratefulness on his face. )

Oct. 17th, 2015


WHO: mostly Quentin with a special guest appearance by Jade's feelings.
WHAT: mid-twenties crisis.
WHERE: Q's swanky townhome.
WHEN: 10/10 Q's 25th birthday
RATING: I heavily imply that someone did something consensually with another NPC adult. PRETTY STEAMY.

He didn't have to hit forty to have a mid-anything crisis, because the crisis was already here. )

Jul. 5th, 2015


WHO: Alex Derrick and Victoria Culpepper
WHERE: the Andes
WHAT: botanical research and assholery and snark tender romantic moments

no one else had brought an assistant and the fact that they were a couple(???) was extra annoying to her contemporaries )

Apr. 29th, 2015


Who: Natasha and Leon
Where: The Streets
What: Awkward Run in
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

She was thankful that was over )

Feb. 15th, 2015


Found in Cormac and Allegra's bedroom yesterday morning. )

Dec. 21st, 2014


Who: Natasha, Hamish and OPEN
Where: Blunder
What: Going out to relieve some stress and the last hurrah before the Holidays!
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

It had been a week and she was still confused. )

Oct. 26th, 2014


From the pages of Witch Weekly.


Sep. 20th, 2014


Owl Post - Fragile

Quentin Baddock )

Jul. 8th, 2014


On today's issue of the Prophet... )

May. 2nd, 2014


Witch Weekly: WWN star to sue The Prophet? )

Feb. 28th, 2014


WHO: Mei and Evan
WHAT: Dinner for two between friends
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WHERE: Mei's flat
RATING: Fair to middling, they certainly aren't going to do anything wild and crazy
STATUS: In Progress

She knew that if Leah found out she would probably think she was under some kind of hex )

Feb. 23rd, 2014


Daily Prophet: Baby scandal hits WWN stars )

[OOC note: Anyone familiar with Anzelm Szczepanski and his family will be able to recognise the boy in the photograph as actually being his son, Andnej. People who know Natasha well will know that she is the godmother of his elder child, Aurélia.]

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Who: Megan & Ernie
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Lunch between two friends
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Making Plans

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & whoever is interested in helping with the investigation into all the crazy happenings.
WHAT/WHERE: A meeting in one of the larger rooms at the Ministry.
WHEN: Monday morning

Ernie worked long hours on a normal day so imagine the sort of time he was putting in since the explosion in Kingsley's office. The explosion would have been bad enough, but the subsequent attack on Sweetness and Light along with that terrible note Dawlish received really had him feeling like the Ministry was in a race against time. The race was made worse by the anonymity of the whole affair. Yes, the Ministry always had enemies so there were some ideas, but nothing concrete as of yet. It drove him mad. He hated that people got hurt. He hated that people were worried. He really wished the rags would stay out of it too.

Thanks to his mother and other people's generous donations, there was plenty of breakfast items on hand for the arduous task of figuring out what to do next. Security had been tightened, naturally, and there was an ongoing investigation, but what more could they do?

Jan. 21st, 2014


Today's Daily Prophet. )

Jan. 20th, 2014


WHO: Yue, Matt and later Spencer
WHAT: Yue meets his cousin for the first time
WHEN: (backdated) Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Sung house
STATUS: Complete

Welcome to the family )

Jan. 21st, 2014


Note for Spencer - left on the kitchen table )

Jan. 20th, 2014



WHO: Everybody
WHAT: An attempt on the Minister's life!
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Ministry of Magic
RATING: PG-13 (though it can vary)

At 10am, a paperweight tampered by someone unknown will explode in Kingsley Shacklebolt's office. Fortunately Kingsley hadn't arrived yet due to a family crisis, but the explosion managed to destroy part of that floor of the building, and due to its magical nature managed to cause damage in all other floors, from minor crashes in some to chaos and destruction in others.

Some people were seriously injured, so Healers had to be promptly called, together with Cursebreakers and Aurors. Kingsley rushed to the scene immediately (crisis had been solved when news reached him anyway) and led the effort to fix the damage and help everybody. Once crisis is averted, he'll organize an inquiry, led by Ernie Macmillan.

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