Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G)

Title: Slow Night
Pairing/Characters: Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Sara Sidle
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: Just processing another crime scene
Notes/Warnings: Requested by Unicorn_catcher on LJ

Slow Night )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (PG?)

Title: This Time
Pairing/Characters: Greg, Sara, Nick; Nick/Greg
Rating/Category: PG?
Word Count: 790
Spoilers: For Grave Danger.
Summary: How would the events in Grave Danger have affected Nick and Greg?
Notes/Warnings: Immediately after I wrote Relief, I started writing this fic, which is an expansion of Relief.

This Time )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G & G)

Title: Back
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: He wants her back. Completely.
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Back )

Title: Together
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: They belong together
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Together )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G & G)

Title: Restoring
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: He's not going to lose her. Not now.
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Restoring )

Title: Restored
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: She'd missed him.
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Restored )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G & G)

Title: Unsure
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: Now what does he do?
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Unsure )

Title: Aching
Characters/Pairings: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: She really doesn't want to be away from him.
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Aching )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G & G)

Title: Snapped
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: Where did that fight come from?
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Snapped )

Title: Temperamental
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: Time apart sounds like a good idea.
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Temperamental )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G & G)

Title: Illogical
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: Jealousy is illogical
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Illogical )

Title: Shouldn't
Characters/Pairing: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle; Gil/Sara
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: A Bullet Runs Through It
Author's Note: Drabble. Thanks to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Written before the end of Season 6.

Shouldn't )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G)

Title: Special Gift
Characters/Pairings: Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders; Nick/Greg
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: Greg receives a special gift from Nick
Author's Notes: Drabble. Set many years into the future. Thanks go to [info]umbralillium for the beta.

Special Gift )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G)

Title: Mutual Support
Characters/Pairing: Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders; Nick/Greg
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: vague for Grave Danger
Summary: Mutual support is mutually beneficial
Author's Notes: Drabble. Set during the 6th season. Thanks go to [info]umbralillium for the beta.

Mutual Support )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G)

Title: Relief
Characters/Pairing: Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Sara Sidle; Nick/Greg
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Grave Danger
Summary: Being away from the one you love when they're injured is hell.
Author's Notes: Drabble. Set right after Grave Danger. Thanks go to [info]umbralillium for the beta. Expanded version.

Relief )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G)

Title: Togetherness
Pairing/Characters: Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders; Nick/Greg
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Play With Fire
Summary: Being together is a wonderful thing
Author's Notes: Drabble. Set between Seasons 3 and 4. Thanks go to [info]umbralillium for the beta.

Togetherness )
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Fanfiction: CSI: Las Vegas (G)

Title: Babbling
Pairing/Characters: Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders; Nick/Greg
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Not really
Summary: There's a reason for the babble
Author's Notes: Drabble. Inspired by this written by 'iamtheenemy' on LJ. Thanks go to [info]umbralillium for the beta.

Babbling )
mood: frustrated
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Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

Fic Links

All right, here's a bunch of links to fics that I've posted online already, either on LJ or at some sort of fic archive.

Under the cut to save space on flists )

Those are all that I can think of. If anyone finds any elsewhere, please let me know by commenting to this post. Thank you.
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