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Fanfiction: Master & Commander (PG) [06 Jun 2008|10:30pm]
[ mood | naughty ]

Title: Jolly Boat
Pairing/Characters: William Mowett and Tom Pullings
Rating: PG
Fandom: Master and Commander (movie)
Word Count: 282
Spoilers: N/A
Summary: What do you do when you're trapped on a jolly boat with your lover?
Notes/Warnings: Written for the 5th anniversary celebrations of a certain Yahoo! group. No beta

Jolly Boat )

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Drabbles: Master & Commander (G & G) [06 Jun 2008|10:57pm]
[ mood | productive ]

Title: Gluttony & Vanity/Pride
Pairing/Characters: Tom Pullings, William Mowett
Rating: G & G
Fandom: Master and Commander
Word Count: 100 & 100
Spoilers: N/A
Summary: William and Tom each have their vices
Notes/Warnings: Written for a challenge at mandc100 on LJ. Beta by Mylodon.

Gluttony )

Vanity/Pride )

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Double Drabble: Master & Commander (PG) [06 Jun 2008|10:59pm]
[ mood | naughty ]

Title: Sloth and Lust
Pairing/Characters: Tom Pullings, William Mowett; Pullett
Rating: PG
Fandom: Master and Commander
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: N/A
Summary: William wants to sleep, but Tom has other ideas.
Notes/Warnings: Rating for tiny hints at naughtiness. Written for a challenge at mandc100 on LJ. Beta by Mylodon.

Sloth and Lust )

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Drabble: Master & Commander (G) [06 Jun 2008|11:00pm]
[ mood | grateful ]

Title: Lessons
Pairing/Characters: William Mowett and Tom Pullings
Rating: G
Fandom: Master and Commander (movie)
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: N/A
Summary: The start of a friendship
Notes/Warnings: Written for the "lessons learned" prompt at mandc100 on LJ. Beta by Mylodon.

Lessons )

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