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[26 Dec 2009|03:28pm]

This is Tobias Adams, played-by Gaspard Ulliel. He's twenty-three and a resident of Los Angeles, California- casted as Kurt Hummel of Glee. Toby is also one of the creators of A Very Potter Musical with ~morecki and ~dershowitz. He's from Philadelphia originally, a graduate of the University of Michigan. Glee cast members for lines would be nice. And I think he's going to be the roommate of ~lucee. Lines?
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cilldonianknights [26 Dec 2009|09:09am]

So, I've applied with him and figured I should post a bit about him here.

This is Cillian Knight, part of And They Danced, a band from New York. [info]rknight is his twin brother. Obviously, they aren't identical. Cillian's a pretty laid back guy. He doesn't stress much. That's because he smokes a lot of pot. It's the one vice he just hasn't given up yet. And it helps keep him sane. He struggled with an addiction to prescription pain killers, but hasn't fallen off that wagon yet. He does still drink from time to time though. Cillian likes to keep busy and never stops writing, or drawing. He can fill up a five subject notebook in about a month. He always has something he's working on. He does a lot for the Staying Alive Foundation and Save The Music. He got a lot of his musical talent from their father, who wasn't married to their mother but was in their lives. Cillian loves jazz and tries to incorporate as many elements into their music as he can. He was a bit of a playboy with they first started out and had a bad habit of cheating on his girlfriends, but since then, he's cleaned his act up a bit. He's making an effort to be a better human being. They're about to release an album in January and are going on tour to promote it. So, bands to tag along at different stages would be great. People he's worked with in the past. People he's just met along the way, or even before the 'fame' (because it still hasn't hit him). Anything at all is great!
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[25 Dec 2009|08:21pm]

I have no idea yet what to make her pb (although the girls in her icons are the choices so far), but I'm planning on bringing her to this with the credits in her journal (they are subject to change though). She is normally a little on the shy side. Her big break was staring in Agent Cody Banks as "Natalie Connors". Could she possibly get some co-stars, friends, exes, best guy friends who never loved her but she liked them? I'm going to attempt to get her done by tonight, or by tomorrow.
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[24 Dec 2009|08:38pm]

I'm bringing in Ella Rae Romei. She is a 25-year-old Lisa Origliasso faced tomboy. She was born in Australia with her twin sister [info]zara. Their mother was a childstar which is why her family moved back to the states when the girls were 11 in hopes for her to return to her former glory. Her breakout role was as Jackie Burkhart on "That 70s Show," and she released a Christian cd while on the show when her father pushed her to fall into his relgious beliefs. It wasn't until she took a label change in early 2007 that her star rised with "Ur So Gay" and "I Kissed a Girl." She loves sports, swears like a sailor, and will only be caught in a dress for award shows. Ella Rae is her stage name as it's easier for people to remember rather then her last name. She is fairly extroverted and doesn't meet strangers often. She is going on tour with And They Danced shortly, and has also begun working on her next album which she plans to be released next year.

I'd love friends, former tourmates in Europe or her previous mall tours, co-stars, an ex that happened before she made it in the music world (anywhere from 1998 until 2006), and I'd love the girl she kissed and she sort of liked it. I am open for anything even brainstorming!
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[24 Dec 2009|11:42am]
I'm looking to bring in this guy: Rus Knight in the shape of Ryan Ross. His info is up in his journal, but I can brief here. He and his twin brother Cillian [info]knightc are in a band called And They Danced using the credits of Gym Class Heroes. He comes from a family who struggles with drug abuse, but has never had much of a problem with it himself. He's really humble and doesn't think of himself much as a celebrity so much as some kid from New York who got incredibly lucky. If I've gotten my information correct, he and Cillian are wrapping up production on their latest album and are about to hit the road.

So he could use just about everything you can think of. Friends, exes, tour mates (past and present), collaborative artists, celebs for him to fangirl over.
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[23 Dec 2009|09:32am]
So, I'm looking to bring in 23 year old Karl Marchenko with the face of Sebastian Stan withe music claim of Dashboard Confessional. He's strictly a musician, and has been since late 2005. He's an outspoken kind of guy, which stems from his mother's side of the family. As far as lines go, he's an open slate. Though, I'd like some friends that he's known to tour with and what not. I'll be happy to fill lines and work out any kind of plot that's thought up. If you can think it, we can do it!
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[22 Dec 2009|04:32pm]

lets get this little train rolling, shall we? this is christian st. croix (face of jared leto), actor/musician (voice/lyrics of josh homme) who got his start in 1998 with the faculty and moved right on up the ladder to portray cyclops in the x-men franchise opposite [info]cruz. he's sort of like mr. nice guy overall; lol. as far as what i'm looking for, anything really: costars for anything he has been a part of, ex-tourmates/bands, friends and foes, so on and so forth. and of course, i'm open to any other ideas as those are pretty general.
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[22 Dec 2009|07:06pm]

hello everyone! this is anabella esme cruz pb eva mendes. she's an actress/singer who started out in broadway before joining the film and tv world most notably as jean grey in the x-men franchise and assistant district attorney casey novak on the tv series law and order: special victims unit. i'm actually changing release time of her first album to slip in her son with co-star and long time significant other [info]stcroix, but her music credits are madonna with additional lyrics of jennifer lopez. i'm looking for pretty much anything, people she might have met at various events and awards, broadway friends and of course castmates so we can figure out how they might've worked together on various movies - especially the big ensemble cast ones like crash and x-men. other than that anything you have to offer i will gladly take it!
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[22 Dec 2009|04:44am]
Looking for a few connections for this actress who has gone from stage to film. Parker isn't an A-lister (yet) but her movie choices have been solid, her roles rewarding and she likes where her career is going. Her directory listing is here for more detail.

Looking for:

Friends in L.A.
Friends from the theater scene in NYC
Co-Stars (credits are in her journal/will discuss)
Rivals, enemies, any other connections you might have in mind
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[22 Dec 2009|04:03am]

Alright, before I head off to bed, lovelies, I figured I should get this up here! This here is Stella Westcott, faced by the lovely Eliza Dushku, former teen-star and current sometimes serious actress. She's a bit of a reformed party girl. She started out as a pre-teen on a little show from the 90s you guys might remember, boy meets world? Yeah, that show was the shit, man. Went through a bit of a party period on the tail end of that where she pretty much rebelled against most everything. Got super into the party scene, clubbing and drinking, all that. She got her act together and is pretty subdued now. She's super spontaneous, real chill, kind of high energy, loves to laugh, still goes out and parties from time to time, but keeps that on a pretty tight chain, nowadays. She grew up in showbiz, since her sister (who i've got coming in with a sarah michelle gellar face!) got into the biz early and her parents more or less pulled her along for the ride. I'd love to see some boy meets world co-stars, actually... any co-stars would be kind of awesome! Other than co-stars, a big/baby bro, an ex or an on/off boyfriend, old partier amigos, friends in general and just about anything!
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[21 Dec 2009|11:52pm]

Hey kids, this here is Kion Mitchell and has the musical and lyrical claims of Kanye West. He broke into music in '05 when his debut finally came out after releasing a couple mixtapes in his hometown of Kansas City and Brooklyn. He comes from a broken family; dad left his mom when he was a kid and it's left him pretty bitter in life despite him having a pretty decent middle class upbringing. Actually, him and his brothers used all their experiences growing up in a mostly white suburb to create the animated version of The Boondocks (I have it that his middle brother is the creator of the comic strip). Being famous scares the hell out of him despite that he has been in the lime light for awhile now. He hates the idea of how celebrities are simply viewed as something that can be consumed and thrown away once people are bored of them. Because of this he likes to closes himself off to most people just so he doesn't fall into the trappings of fame and stays that goofy, awkward kid from Kansas with no social graces. When he is put in a social situation, he'll usually turn to drinking just so he can "loosen up," but all it does is exemplify his awkwardness and has lead to him making a few missteps as of late. But yeah, he is just trying to adjust to life that is at the opposite end of the spectrum of his days of working concession for the Royals and so far it's not exactly working out for him.

I am up for just about anything. I'd love people he's been on tour or worked with in the past, people he has met along the way, his brothers, an ex girlfriend he's still in love with, the girl he has been seeing on and off and his best friend since the womb. I'm up from brainstorm and filling lines, too.
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[21 Dec 2009|11:11pm]

This is Darlene Haynes sometimes credited as Chloe Haynes. Her mother is a stage mom/actress/producer and her father is an actor that is still pretty famous but she's never met him and doesn't even know if he knows anything about her even existing. She's 22, started out as a child star. Now she's a musician ala Lacey Mosley/Flyleaf as well as still in the acting game but not taking on huge staring roles. I'm up to adding more roles if someone needs a co-star. Her credits thus far are in her journal. I'm still working on the bio details. But her personality is pretty much peppy with a side of bitter. She's constantly in the tabloids though she tries to avoid it due to her unhealthy...addictive relationship with ~brydn. They have a 2 almost 3 year old daughter together and she is currently expecting but hiding it from well pretty much everyone. She's got a couple of friends and other costars floating around here but I'd like to give her more lines!

I'm also looking for past tourmates and her 3 male band members.
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[21 Dec 2009|11:11pm]

this is kirt michaels, patriarch of the michaels clan and resident grouchy old timer. well, kind of. he's actually very immature and sarcastic, but tends to come off as a crab, which he doesn't really mind. he's not what you'd call a "people person", in that he doesn't like being assaulted by fans (something he should have considered before taking on gossip girl). he's got the credits of motley crue and with the exception of his role as aidan shaw on sex and the city, his credits are in his directory (ripway is being difficult). he's accumulated a pretty big ego after recording for 28 years and enjoys the lifestyle provided by his work, though he was raised with very little money is a total hypocrite and lectures about how money is the root of all evil. though he does participate in charities, he's certainly not as passionate as his wife is.

i would LOVE it if i could get his bandmates (i have face suggestions, if they're needed), but most of all i'd love some friends and even a tabloid fued. costars and castmates would be amazing. i'm down with brainstorming, too, so i'd love a line with everyone
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[21 Dec 2009|10:51pm]

I guess I'll go next. This is Olivia Thomas, though she prefers to be called Olive. She's an actress who has had sort of a hit or miss career until fairly recently when she landed the part of Emma on Glee. She's had a few starring roles and another TV gig as Fred on Angel, but for the most part her "big breaks" so to speak have been critical or box office disasters. She had a fairly long term and muse-like relationship/engagement with the man who cast and directed her in The Village & Lady in the Water and may have gotten some slight attention from that, but for the most part she's flown under the radar both in her career and her personal life. She doesn't really worry over her career or about any aspect of her life, taking things as they come and usually encouraging others to do the same and not to take on so much or be so hard on themselves. She's the type of person who prefers to sit back and observe rather than jump into a conversation and throw her two cents in without thinking and likes to avoid drama all together whenever possible. The fact that Glee has taken off is a bit of a surprise, mostly because up until this point she hasn't really had the best luck in picking projects that are well recieved. She's just happy that she's found one that she can believe in and have a few more people agree for once, though she's trying not to get used to it.

She's 30, a New York native (and goes back and forth between there and LA whenever possible) who was born to an actress who was heavily involved in the theater scene. Until college she gravitated toward music/musicals rather than straight up acting, but Glee is sort of her first time singing for an audience on a major scale. As for lines, save for family I'm up for anything/everything, but I'd especially love costars from past or upcoming projects especially Jacob from Water for Elephants and her Angel/Glee cast mates. I'd love more Jossverse types in general, really for her to hang out/have bonded with at conventions.
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[21 Dec 2009|10:30pm]

Hey guys! This is Kendra Taylor, PB: Sienna Miller, and she comes to you today with the creds of Miss Kat Von D. She has two shop locations. Her first opened early 2004 in NYC, which she called Big Apple Ink. Her second is in LA [appropriately named LA Ink]. She's done many celebrity tattoos but beside being known for that, she's also a playboy bunny, playmate of the year for 2004, and notable for being the "other woman" in an affair that helped along the divorce of [info]betsyland and [info]logard.

Throw anything my way. Clients, friends, enemies, party buddies, exes, random hook ups.. you name it!
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is everyone afraid of this comm? [21 Dec 2009|09:13pm]

this is sadie jones, she's a musician with the vc/lc of sara bareilles. she's originally from washington d.c., but has been living in new york city since she started attending columbia university. she started doing open mic gigs while she was attending school, but eventually dropped out when she got a major label contract. she's really grounded and independent, but is also friendly and approachable. she doesn't really like to go out and party like most other celebs her age, but would rather stay home with friends. she's a vegetarian, more for health reasons than anything. i'd be up for any type of storyline, especially a best friend and a couple of exes. she also still needs a professional connection, so if anyone would be able to fill that, that'd be awesome.
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