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Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

    Time Event
    Hi. I go by the name of Crystal. I need help trying to characterize this one character.

    You see, every time I imagine her; she always does the weirdest things. I have tried to replace her, or rewrite her character, but she always comes back. If I don't find a way around it; I might have to scrap the story entirely.

    Her name is Jural, and she's a bit of a ditz. She was born curious in the innocent way; if you know what I mean. She lives in a society that uses wolves to hunt- yes, I know, cliche, but it's starting to not be so cliche- and thus, they base their society quite heavily on wolves. It is a gender-equal society.

    From the time she was born; her parents were very lenient with her. But that was only because when she did something bad, she didn't mean to. *Unlike her brother, Ronas, who was very... rambunctious.* Edited because I forgot. Sorry!

    Her brother, while at first slightly jealous at the attention she received(jealousy was resolved), protected her with a view that she was weak and needed to be protected. Most characters in that type of society would have smacked Ronas later for being so condescending, but no, Jural has to be the type to get slapped and then apologize for 'making' the other person angry enough to slap her. You know, Jural is one messed up character. She is most definitely mentally retarded, but even so, could she be that retarded?

    Your comments are appreciated.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Roddy McCorley- you should hear it if you like history
    Worldbuilding, Part 1
    So, I finally finished that stupid outline. And now I'm ready to start world building! To that end, I started looking over the outline, and that I started making a list of questions that I think will need to be answered when I write. This is the first part of the list, at least as far as I got before I decided to post a chunk of questions so that didn't get too overwhelming, and some other questions have already been asked and answered when I posted the first part of the outline.

    (The outline is up on my journal, for those of you who want to see.)

    Is there anything you think I've missed in the category of things already addressed? I probably should have addressed 'Gender Roles' in part two or something, since it looks like the second part is going to be mostly the social/human behavior aspects. Still, this is as it occurred to me? Thoughts, questions, comments, observations, etc?

    Read more... )

    (Cross-posted to [info]specficwriters)
    Hi for the first time
    Hello everyone! First for the introduction; I'm Wilson, from Singapore; writer by aspiration, soldier by national obligation. Also I'm Chinese by race, which might explain these ideas...

    These days I've been working on building a world with an Empire - pardon the capital E, it comes with the territory - and it strikes me that different polities and societies, depending on their size and power, often have fundamentally different views of their identity and how it is propagated or passed on. In that sense it seems to me that empires gravitate naturally towards grandeur as part of their identity, seeking to make their power (which is often over rather reluctant subjects) physically manifest in their culture.

    So what are the views of the community on this? And, as a side question since I'm trying to build that imperial culture around that idea for now, what are some things that do awe you?

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