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Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

    Time Event
    My name is Mara, and I'm an author. *cough* Okay, so this isn't an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting--even if, sometimes, writing seems like a habit impossible to kick. Not that I'd WANT to, but.. Meh.

    Anyway, about meself: I'm eighteen going on nineteen, and have been writing, or attempting some version thereof, for a good decade-ish. (I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't trying to write...even if many early attempts were, well...tripe, to be kind.) Right now, a lot of that is fanfic, but I've some original works I intend to shop around...once I get around to finishing and/or writing them. (My big failing. ;_;) In fact, I have a piece of flash fiction pending acceptance/rejection in Strange Horizons' slushpile.

    Right now, I mainly write short stories (five thousand words or less), having found that I have a hard time focusing on longer fiction. That said, I must be a glutton for punishment, as I failed NaNo last year, and yet have every intention of attempting it again this November. (It is worth noting that I didn't succeed with my attempts via To Boldly Nano's "NaNo All Year Round" thing, either.)

    I am utterly fascinated by languages (oh, if you could see the list of languages I intend to learn...), and their creation. This is called conlanging, correct? Fascinating and fun, whatever it may be called.

    Oddly, if/when I go to college, I intend to major in Archaeology (with concentration in Egyptology), and minor--or double-major--in Linguistics. Plans do have the oddest way of changing on a body, though, so nothing's set in stone. (I would like to add that this combination has nothing to do with StarGate. Really. I get the feeling that you don't beliieeeeeeeve meeeee!)

    Uhm. Hm. I guess you don't need my entire life story (which is good, because it's supremely boring), so I'll just add that I have glasses and am mostly deaf, but adore my hearing aid for what it allows me to hear. :D

    I'm thinking I shall like this asylum. Whee, loony bins always need more loonies, right?! I'm rather tired, so I apologize for my, er, random insanity. You don't want to see me on coffee. LOL.


    Current Mood: Tired & Insane!
    I was reading a manga called Berserk (WARNING: NOT WORK SAFE, NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART, LOTR-LEVEL LENGTH), and I noticed something peculiar - Gatts, the protagonist, is inordinately powerful. Not only does he have a robot arm that conceals a cannon, he has a monstrously large sword (no Freudian imagery intended) and can wield it with ease. Also, he's a jerk of the first order, gladly sacrificing those who help him, and pushing away those who try to get near him. Gatts is scum. But for some reason, I can't stop reading about him.

    Spoiler alert! )

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