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Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

    Time Event
    Question about Copyright
    I would like to know if my copyright is threatened if I tell about my concultures on the Internet. I would like to publish stories in my settings.

    Current Mood: anxious
    What are the themes that interest you as a writer, or reoccur in your work?

    Themes, for me, are what's 'behind' the plot, the characters, the setting - they're what your work is ... 'about' ... what it's talking about, the kinds of messages it's responding to and communicating about.

    I belive that all creative work has themes even 'fluff'. I think they - and creative work - is always better when you are aware of and introspective about, your themes.

    Some of mine are:
    being a mistfit or outsider, having some sort of notable difference or change happen to you - that will result in your life changing in some way that can be either positive or negative, depending on the choices you (the character) makes. Heroism - what is it, what kinds of people are heroes and what is the cost/benefit of being one? Social expectations - most of my characters violate social expectations, whether it's the cop who gains visionary powers, along with seizures that cost him his job and make him look 'crazy', or the man who choses to cross dress long term to be with the man who loves him in a socially accpetable way.

    What are yours?

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