A Fantasy Writing Community's Journal
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Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

    Time Event
    Hi! I'm Jag, and I'm a fantasy writer.

    (Hi, Jag!)

    Um, yeah. I'm kittydesade on most of the major journaling sites too, you may have seen me there. You may not. I write... a bunch of things, fantasy being one of them. I actually started out writing fantasy, two novel outlines and most of the first done as my Senior Project when I was in high school. I was 17, for those of you not in the US.

    Now I've revamped the plot of that novel three or four times and I keep going back and thinking I'm going to write it again (would anyone be interested in reading if I did?) but I haven't so far. I also have the sequel outline written but never touched it.

    I've been published a few times in some magazines and am currently trying to sell my mystery novel. I may switch to trying to sell my fantasy novel if that doesn't work out. Mostly I just write whatever pops into my head and screams the loudest. Fantasy, however, is a big part of that! So, yay!
    Multiple first-person POV ?
    Hello, this is Khajidu and I'm new here.

    I just have one question.
    I would like to write my story in multiple fist-person POV, but I need advice about how to handle it. I intend to write separate chapters for each POV person, like GRR Martin did for example, but I still need advice on keeping the voices of each of my POV characters distinct and separate. How should I do ?
    A question of race
    I need some new intelligent races to help me feed one of my plot bunnies. The setting is a island with a gi-normus volcano in the middle of it. So far, this causes drastic evolutionary and ecological change and is basically Darwin's niche city. So far, these are the intelligent races I've got (feel free to critique):

    Bipedal hyenas that live in the swamp regions
    Massive lava bears that live near the volcano
    Werecrocadiles, official community in swamp with renegades near rivers
    Sea serpents that are more cetacean than reptilian

    So, what can this magnificent community think up?

    Current Mood: creative

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