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February 26th, 2022

[info]dusted_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

HP AU: Done and Dusted - Gauging Interest

Putting out a feeler to gauge interest in a post HBP Harry Potter AU game set a few years after Voldemort is killed. The game is based off a game called Done and Dusted which was run on Greatest Journal in 2006-2007. The idea is that the Battle of Hogwarts still happened, Voldemort still was killed, but we want to be able to say all of the unnecessary character deaths from book 7 didn’t have to happen!

We’re going to be very vague as far as what happened in Harry’s 7th year other than that there was a final attack on Hogwarts in Harry’s seventh year and he did kill Voldemort. But we leave it in shades of gray so that you can develop your character through this time as you see fit!

The game is based on the premise of a mental institution dressed up as a “retreat” for patients to come and deal with problems caused by the war. People are coming to terms with their emotions, and coming to terms with former friends and enemies. Call it an emotional rollercoaster of character development. Patients at the retreat will either willingly admit themselves (good guys), be committed, or be incentivized to get time knocked off their sentence if they spend a term at the institution (hello, Death Eaters!). They will be required to attend weekly therapy sessions with the on-premise counselors while being kept an eye on under the careful eye (and hidden cameras!) of the director of the facility and the Aurors she has employed to keep things in order.

Patients will be restricted from using magic in the form of casting spells while at the retreat, but creatures such as Werewolves will still undergo the magical changes that their condition demands they do (and yes, magical creatures are welcome!). Patients will also find that their emotions are heightened while on retreat grounds, feeling things much more intensely than they would normally.

We’re going to host the game in a journal forum setting, either in InsaneJournal or Dreamwidth. The patients will be given journals that have been charmed so that they can communicate with other patients and staff through them (wizarding social media!). In game days will span over the course of a few to several real life days, depending on if there are events happening in game and how much time we feel an in game day needs. There will be official day changes posted in game so everyone knows what day we’re on, and what’s going on.

If we can get interest from a few people we’re going to move forward in creating the platform and get moving! We already have the plot foundations worked out and it won’t take too long to get up and going if we are able to pique some interest. Please either comment here, private message me here, DM me on Discord (Schubaccah#6690), or email at .

*Done and Dusted is a darker-themed game that will have elements of trauma (mental and physical) and other adult themes. We will use cuts and tags to properly ensure content warning but we want to be up front about the existence of mature themes that will be present. Having said that, this is not a smut-based RP community. While we are sex-friendly, we don’t want this turning into a porno. Plot is always first!

***Please note that our want to play in the HP sandbox does not, in any shape or form, condone JKR's transphobia or TERFism. Her beliefs are harmful and just plain nasty toward people who just want to live their lives, and contradictory to the lessons many people around the world gained from the series itself.

If you'd like to help out with the issues transgender people are fighting against today, particularly in the state of Texas, here are two articles with information on what's happening and places you can donate toward.