April 2024

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April 5th, 2021

[info]noexitsmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

𝕟𝕠 𝕖𝕩𝕚𝕥𝕤

→ A panfandom game where each IC week lasts about two weeks so it's a slower pace OOCly, giving everyone time to dig into plot ICly. High on character action, low on player stress.

→ The Mod would love to see:
  • Psychics and Mediums. The game takes place on a college campus where an experiment went wrong. So far we haven't had any psychic or medium type characters to dig into plot bits other characters might not be able to pick up on.

  • Bad Guys & Shit Stirrers. Bad guys that can cooperate with hero types when needed but still get under everyone's skin and create drama are always a plus. MCU-wise, Zemo and Loki would be lovely, but there are plenty of other villains from other sources that fit the bill, too.

→ New plot started on the 1st and lasts until the 15th. We're on Endor, where Ewoks want you over for dinner, but it's not because they want to be your friend. Plenty of time to join in on the fun.

→ What else? No canon puncturing, limited OC characters and characters from previous games allowed. Click on the name of the game above to check out who we have, who other players want to see, and what else we got. Thanks for looking!