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February 13th, 2016

[info]modhats in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Premise Area Rules Apply

Tranquility: a town divided. Before the onset of the third world war, it had been a sleepy little tourist town in the Pacific Northwest. Beautiful - on the edge of Lake Serenity and surrounded by mountains - it was geographically isolated.

The isolation made it ideal as a place to run to and when the world started to go to hell, refugees flooded into Tranquility. The town was overwhelmed and slums developed. Factions began to form as people fractured into their makeshift communities: the Spa resort that offers luxury and style - for those that can pay the price. The campground that has become an enclave for families trying to get by. The shanty town that floods in bad weather, where crime is rife and the rule of law non-existent. The human-only enclave in the mountains, determined to protect their patch - at all costs as they prepare for the end of the world.

Tranquility Point is a game set in an alternative near future, two years after the outbreak of World War Three and with the emergence onto the global scene the truth of the existence of the supernatural.

The effect on the general populous of the world, those that had lived unaware of what was coming, was mass panic. People fled population centres. International borders collapsed under the strain. Refugees became the norm, heading for anywhere they deemed safe, regardless of country of origin.

The game is not focused on the war itself, but on a small town where people are trying to get away from it. The original inhabitants of Tranquility and the refugees who have made the area their home.

We are a brand new game and looking for active, dynamic players to come and shape our world!

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