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January 24th, 2016

[info]tmlmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Magic of Love RPG

The Magic of Love

A Wizarding World Dating Show

Casting single witches and wizards for the first season of a new dating series. Casting producer states: "The show will take place on location - somewhere beautiful and tropical. We are looking for a quality group of single witches and wizards who are serious or not so serious about finding love and who are looking for amazing, world-wide dates."
If selected as a cast member, the show begins on January 3rd and will last one to six weeks in the main location, or one to six weeks in the secondary location that is not part of the show, albeit no less luxurious.
Seeking applications from all interested parties. Late submissions are more than welcome, too, although they will not be starting out in the main location.
Please refer to the producers' journal ([info]tmlmod) or comment here.

[info]shadowrisesmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

For over two hundred years, Shadow Falls was known as a quiet, tranquil New England town, as temperate and picturesque as any other and rich with the history of its Indian and Puritan forefathers. But a dark truth slept in the particulars of its provenance—A provenance which has seen not one, but two waves of colonization.

For a number of those residents that call the Shadow Falls home have done so for centuries. These residents are not human, but vampires: the second settlers. Sweeping into the town and establishing an iron-clad rule over the humans living there, they built an extensive shadow government, enabled by a covenant that kept humans trapped within the borders of the town as stock and bound their own kind to secrecy. Through countless intrigues, security breaches, mystical plagues, and even a quelled uprising or two, the vampires largely prevailed in this scheme.

Until the day that a passageway was revealed ..
Shadow Rises is an off-shoot of the Shadow Falls RPG, which was based around the idea of a vampire-run town. However, our story arc begins with the fallout of a war between the vampires and werewolves, a battle which decimated the latter and sent every pack of wolves packing out of town. The hard won victory comes with an unfortunate caveat—The compromising of those magical wards that once kept humans restricted to the town's borders. The werewolves revealed a hidden passage out of Shadow Falls, a trail that has naught to do with magic, to several unknown mortals. Those few who hold the secret are now the greatest threats to the powers that be. They are hunted.

While a small number of humans managed to flee in the months since, they all too soon discovered that spouting fantastical tales of fanged and furry monsters quickly relegated them to the ranks of conspiracy theory forums, TLC specials, and even asylum wards. Most humans have remained doubtful about the rumors of a way out, while others simply have chosen to remain in town. The reasons vary.

[info]veiled_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Veiled World - Now Open!

Veiled World

The supernatural is all around us, vampires and werewolves live next door to you and to be honest, your senator's likely a vampire, incubi and merfolk serve you coffee in your favourite coffee shop . That alternative looking woman that runs the herbal shop down the road? She's a sixth generation witch. The bank manager that sort of weirded you out but looked excited when you handed over your family jewels to put in a safety deposit box? Yeah... good luck getting that back: you just handed grandma's gold to a dragon.

The Supernatural Government kept peace for years, brokering a tentative peace between all of the supernatural races and making sure that they stayed out of the light, as it were, out of sight. Ten years ago, a number of the elected officials were executed, assassinated by an unknown party. The peace that had been on a knife's edge was shattered and now the supernatural world is at war within itself. It's an underground war, but a war all the same.

Welcome to the war.
Can you survive?

Whose side are you on?
Game Premise // Current Cast
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