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January 17th, 2016

[info]carpediem_ad in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Carpe Diem

Seize The Day

For years terror and death plagued the United States. A legion of dark wizards, aligned to the most evil of witches, the Lady Nyx, wreaked havoc on their world. Sadistic and ruthless, they ruled the Wizarding community with an iron fist and even struck fear into the hearts of some Muggles. A valiant fight from brave witches and wizards brought about her end but some wait in the shadows for her return.

Thirty years later, the death of Lady Nyx and the imprisonment and vanishing of many of her followers is but a history lesson to the students of Hogwarts. The world is finally at peace and a new group of students have enters Hogwarts, new cliques, new relationships and of course, new drama. Can they keep it together long enough to survive the school year, not to mention the oncoming darkness drawing ever closer?

Will you seize the day? Apply for a wizard or witch and enter the world of wizards, witches, spells and songs. Original characters are welcome and encouraged. The game started on July 23rd, 2015. Go check out the Wanted Characters or Holds page and get your application in!

Game started on July 23rd. APPLY TODAY.

[info]carpediem_mods | [info]carpediem_rp | [info]carpediem_net | [info]carpediem_ooc
Premise | Rules | F.A.Q. | Holds & PBs | Character List | Application
Wanted | Player Contact | Dropbox | Friends Button | Calendar
In Game Information | Rumors | Code Page | Tags

[info]notsohappily in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Compendia, a country dubbed "the land of a thousand kingdoms." In the very center of this country, where each zone meets, is Arcanis, prime real estate because it has the best climate and the most magic. The current king of Arcanis, King Cole, is old, weak, and likely to die any day now. More importantly, he's heirless. Rulers of the many other kingdoms are starting to plot how they will take the kingdom from his cold, dead hands, if not sooner. For now they're still playing nice, but soon it will be a battle royale of fairytales' finest.

But not everyone is concerned with Old King Cole's throne. There are also the unconcerned royals, and the citizens of Compendia, all manner of people and creatures either trying to get by or looking for a different sort of power.

All roads meet in Arcanis.
Rules CastTaken TalesWantedHeld/Taken PBsAbout CompendiaLocationsApplicationDropbox Players Only

[info]thedivisionmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.


Welcome to Boudon Estate, owned by the vampire Mathis Boudon, head of the Roanoke Division. Located in Virgina, The Boudon Estate is residence to a slew of supernatural investigators and trainees, who work for the Roanoke Division to investigate supernatural crimes and stop those that are behind them. With the secret world of supernaturals becoming less and less secret, all supernaturals must work together to keep order, lest they reveal themselves to the human world.


[info]thedivisionrpg via [info]thedivisionmod