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January 6th, 2016

[info]adjacent_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Hell Adjacent
When one door closes, another opens...

You find yourself in what appears to be a once lavish hotel. Though its former grandeur is quite apparent, the surroundings seem dated. The air is stale. In your hand is a PDA that you don't believe belongs to you. It's curious how it ended up in your hand because you don't remember picking it up or even coming into the building.

On closer inspection, it seems that you are in a lobby of some sort, standing near a reception area. The first thing that you notice is the large clock and the words "Hotel Kairos" emblazoned just beneath it. The desk is empty save for a battered looking bell and a dusty ledger that appears to be some sort of guest book. A sign next to it politely reminds you to 'please sign in upon arrival.'

You may try ringing the bell, but no one will attend to you, why not do as the sign says? When you go to look at the book, however, you realize that you already have signed the book. Beside your name, written in your own handwriting, a room number appears on the page.

Upon further examination of the PDA, you receive a private message. It reads as follows: 'Dear Guest, welcome to the Hotel Kairos. Please be advised excursions will take place every 72 hours, you are free to explore within that time frame but the hotel takes no responsibility for you thereafter should you fail to return to the premises within the allotted time. Meal service is not provided but please feel free to use the kitchen. You are also permitted to bring back sundries from your latest excursion. The wifi password is chronos, we suggest logging into the device we have provided so as to be able to communicate with other guests. Please make your own way to your assigned room. Thank you and have a pleasant stay.'

Hell Adjacent is an original character friendly, panfandom RPG set in a dimension hopping hotel from purgatory. Come join us!

Game opened December 7th!
code by wearestardust @ supersuits

[info]wdf_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

When Darkness Falls: A New Orleans Supernatural RPG

When Darkness Falls is an original character role-playing game set in the iconic city of New Orleans, Louisiana. The story began in November 2012 when supernatural beings were still hidden from the public, living alongside unsuspecting humans who were never the wiser. Werewolves, vampires, shape-shifters, and gifted humans struggled to keep their secrets, while still maintaining relatively "normal" lives.

In 2014 a group of humans, bent on exposing the supernaturals for what they are, began cropping up in cities across the globe, including New Orleans. Their cause grew quickly, and despite resistance the supernatural community was exposed to the world in grand fashion. The initial reaction was to condemn supernaturals, to lock them away and to keep their kind away from humans. This proved futile, however, as the supernaturals banded together and fought back. The war between the human and supernatural worlds did not last long, however, before the government began to intervene.

Presently the world is making a shift toward a new era, where supernaturals and humans can co-exist together in a world no longer segregated by lack of knowledge. There are those who still oppose this movement, though laws and regulations are now in place to protect the interests of all parties. While humans must learn to cope with the new world order, supernaturals must learn to adjust to no longer lurking in the shadows; darkness is no longer their ally.

Opened in November of 2012 and currently seeking new, active players!