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January 4th, 2016

[info]notsohappily in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Compendia, a country dubbed "the land of a thousand kingdoms." In the very center of this country, where each zone meets, is Arcanis, prime real estate because it has the best climate and the most magic. The current king of Arcanis, King Cole, is old, weak, and likely to die any day now. More importantly, he's heirless. Rulers of the many other kingdoms are starting to plot how they will take the kingdom from his cold, dead hands, if not sooner. For now they're still playing nice, but soon it will be a battle royale of fairytales' finest.

But not everyone is concerned with Old King Cole's throne. There are also the unconcerned royals, and the citizens of Compendia, all manner of people and creatures either trying to get by or looking for a different sort of power.

All roads meet in Arcanis.
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[info]folkloric in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]everdark Here there be witches. New game set in the Pacific Northwest focused on a small community with a large pagan population. What could possibly go wrong with that?

[info]cedarridgemods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Times are changing.

Before time was even recorded there were humans and monsters. They lived side by side without the humans even knowing. Human only knew that the darkness hid the evil but they didn't know what evil there was. Thousands of years later monsters, or Supernatural as they would like be called now, rule the earth. Humans are slaves and given no free will of their own. There are little pockets of resistances but they are slowly dying out.

Tucked away in the quiet Rocky Mountains is Cedar Ridge. It is a medium sized town with shops and restaurants. Like all towns in the United States slavery is legal there, but city ordinances are lax. Humans have more rights here, depending on their master's whim. Some have even taken up jobs in local shops, restaurants, and even police stations. But the death of the Council Head is about to change all that. A new Council Head has been elected and he promises to turn back the clock on human rights. Will she be able to? Or will the people of Cedar Ridge fight back?

Will you be a part?

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