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December 14th, 2015

[info]spnhigh in [info]fantasy_rpgs

South Peak National Institution

South Peak National Institute or Supernatural (SPN) High, as it's not so affectionately called, is a place for supernatural beings between the ages of 15 to 25 to be themselves without worry of being found out or caught using their abilities. While many come to the school by their own choice, others that are forced to come either from family pressure or by the authorities. Both the high school and the university offer a safe haven for newly changed beings to learn to manage and control their abilities while born beings the way they are can live openly and freely at the same time. The schools are not just a place to learn about their abilities, but also functioning schools where actual degrees are earned.

South Peak is special, as they are the only schools to take in the toughest cases. Supernatural beings are taught to control their instincts and blend in with society, as their existence is still widely unknown. Here a talented staff of teachers, Ex-hunters, and officers provide a safe learning environment for all enrolled. Some students have rap sheets a mile long, others have been bitten and turned against their will, while some were simply born with their gifts. But all have one thing in common. They are all confined within the barriers of this secluded reformatory high school and university in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. Can they all learn to coexist? One can only hope, but no one knows for sure.

School or Prison?
Cast // Application
Mod Journal // Species // Taken/Holds // Rules // School Information // Wanted

Reopening Wednesday, December 16th.