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November 22nd, 2015

[info]jurassiccitymod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Jurassic City

Maybe it was an ordinary day for you, maybe it wasn't. Maybe you were saving the world. Maybe you were going about your daily life without a care in the world. Or, maybe, sadly, you'd died. Either way, one second you're in one place, and then in the next second, you're not where you used to be. Not in the same universe where that you called home...not even on Earth, anymore.

You find yourself sitting in a white room, completely empty except for yourself. And then, someone walks in. They don't say much, just explain that you've been taken from your own world...and placed in an entirely different one. That's really all that they tell you. They then proceed to hand you a phone, tell you where you'll be living, and give you a small stipend to live on. Then, you're asked to leave, and told not to step outside of the city limits...if you know what's best for you.

Once outside, you'll notice that you were in the basement of what appears to be City Hall...also, it's extremely hot out. Aside from that, it appears to be a normal, everyday city. Except for the roar of something coming from outside of the city that doesn't sound like anything you've ever really heard before...and wonder exactly where you've found yourself. Then, you notice a sign that reads: Welcome To Jurassic City! Enjoy your stay, and beware of dinosaurs!.

And that's when it hits you - you're trapped, with no way home, forced to try and live in this new place...and if you even try to leave the city to try and explore the outside world, chances are that you'll probably not even make it back alive.


Jurassic City is an original panfandom game.


Premise | Rules | FAQ | Mod Contact
Application | Taken Characters | Holds | Player Contact
Wanted | Housing | Occupations | Canon Update | Hiatus | Drops

[info]storybrooking in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Rules | FAQ | Characters | Apply

In the aftermath of the Snow Queen's spell, portals were opened up all over Storybrooke bringing in people from realms far and wide - across all universes (even the alternate ones). In a desperate attempt to protect the world at large from the influx of these newcomers, Regina sealed off Storybrooke permanently, making it impossible for anyone to leave the magical town.

Storybrooke is a panfandom, sandbox-style game where multiple versions of characters across all fandoms are welcome. We offer a laidback, worry-free environment.