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November 3rd, 2015

[info]thedistrictmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]districtmarvel | [info]thedistrictmod

Premise & FAQ | Rules & Requirements | Application | Taken Characters, Histories, NPCs | Dropbox

As the 74th Annual Hunger Games approaches the end of its Victory Tour, murmurings of rebellion have begun in some of the far-flung districts. Many Panem citizens still can't quite believe the odds of a set of twins being reaped in the same year, after all, and even though Wanda Maximoff emerged as the eventual victor, watching her cradle her brother's lifeless body in her arms isn't a sight anyone will soon be forgetting.

With the 75th Hunger Games - and Third Quarter Quell - looming in the distance, citizens and victors alike await with growing fear and unease to see what the rules for the upcoming Games will be.

District Marvel is an MCU alternate universe game set in the Hunger Games universe. We're currently taking holds and are looking to fill a few open roles! We'd especially love to see Thor, Sam Wilson, Pepper Potts, Hope Van Dyne and lots of others!

[info]ultron in [info]fantasy_rpgs

A city fell out of the sky.

That should have been front page, headline news. The Avengers made a city fall out of the sky. It was a big deal, and the consequences should have been noteworthy.

But the consequences were unforeseen. Because a city fell out of the sky, and people died, Avengers died, and as a result, the worst bad guy the Avengers had ever faced, the one they had built themselves, he went unchecked.

A city fell from the sky. Entire countries burned in minutes. And by the end of the day after Sokovia fell from the sky, Ultron controlled the world. Everything is in ruins, cities still smolder, the human race is an endangered species.

This is now the Age of Ultron.

Submit. Or perish.


[info]arbington in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The supernatural population of Arbington face a silent war as they fight to keep their identities in the dark. Will they succeed in keeping their supernatural heritage secret or will journalists succeed in reaching all of England with their findings? Join us in Arbington, a supernatural GPSL set in the Victorian Era.