May 2024

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May 9th, 2015

[info]wildemont in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Hunt or be hunted. Choose your path.

[info]twistedlandmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Twisted Island

Twisted Island

The playground of the forgotten goddess.

Toto, this doesn't quite seem like Kansas anymore. The island is far from the world you remember. This isn't your home, this isn't even Earth from as far as you can tell. But why? How did you get here? It seems the whims of an unknown and forgotten goddess has decided to make you her plaything, dragging you from your world and timeline and placing you on an inescapable island. Welcome to Twisted Island, where anything can happen and it usually does.

The island changes with the mood of the goddess. It’s her playground and you are one of the very many toys in it. But you’re not alone. There are others stuck on the island just like you and if you’re lucky the goddess didn't just steal you away, but friends and family you know as well. Best idea though? Make friends, powerful friends. Make sure there are people to watch your back because when the island starts to change, you're going to need every little bit of help you can get.

Will you survive, or will you give up and break under the pressure? Apply and become one of the many playthings that the goddess loves to toy with on Twisted Island. Only canon characters are allowed. The game will start May 10, 2015. Go check out the Wanted Characters or Holds page and get your application in!

Game will start on May 10th. APPLY TODAY.

[info]twistedlandmods | [info]twistedlandrp | [info]twistedlandooc
Premise | Rules | F.A.Q. | Holds & PBs | Wanted | Character List | Application
Player Contact | Player Status | Dropbox | Friends Button | Calendar
In Game Information | Timeline Recap | Code Page | Tags

[info]theordermods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Five hundred years ago, the island of Holuan was occupied by the Elentori Empire. The continent of Holuan was relatively small, but strategically important and abundant in resources. The fact that it was already home to many races and creatures was of no importance to the empire. The elves were driven into the forests, the dwarves underground, the dragons into the mountains. The empire fought tooth and nail for control of Holuan, determined to make it their latest jewel. A small colony of settlers became a bustling city. The emperor seated his younger brother in control of his latest province. He came to regret that choice.

Within a year brother waged war against brother. The emperor, a bloody and war-mongering individual, came to hear the whispers of his nobles. Rumors circulated that they favored deposing the tyrant in favor of the younger, fairer brother. The emperor vowed to crush his brother, but in the end Holuan proved too treacherous. The emperor chose reason over the sword, and proposed a peace treaty. He would allow Holuan to secede from the empire and set his brother on the throne of the new kingdom, but in exchange Holuan could never again take up arms against the empire. The bargain was struck, and the kingdom of Holuan was officially founded.

But some wondered how it could be so. The Empire had every possible advantage over the island. How could they be beaten as far back as a truce? The answer may surprise anyone not native to the kingdom. It was all thanks to one man and his order of followers.

The Order of Galchobhar runs strong today. Will you strike a bargain of your own?