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April 18th, 2015

[info]darkdividemods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Dark Divide
Humans have known for nearly a decade that supernaturals roamed the earth along side of them. Some humans basked in that realization and quickly formed companionship with the supernaturals that they came into contact with. Bigots found the development just another group to have a distaste and hatred towards.

In Chicago, supernaturals found acceptance.

The Draoi, a coven of witches mixed with the leather and steel of a motorcycle gang, formed and has inhabited the city for nearly twenty years. They practice magic, yes, but it has always been somewhat underneath the guise of a gang of bikers and their friends and loved ones. What will happen when a more open coven and a few solo witches start creating magical havoc throughout their city?

The more primal McCreary wolf pack has recently come into a new alpha - a female alpha. Old traditions are going out the door and a new order has started to see the light of day. Not everyone is happy about her way of doing things or her cursed mate and a dissension in the ranks may slowly be causing a rift that threatens to tear open the pack again.

Trouble is brewing for the supernaturals of Chicago, but where do your loyalties lie? Supernatural or otherwise, change can be felt on the horizon.

Come and join us and find your place.
code by wearestardust @ supersuits

[info]wildemont in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Hunt or be hunted.