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February 15th, 2015

[info]xswap in [info]fantasy_rpgs

X-Swap: a Marvel Powerswap Game


Things are a little different. In this game, each character has had their powers swapped with another Marvel character. Charles Xavier, still the world's most powerful telepath in this universe, had opened a school to teach young mutants and allow older mutants to teach. Those are constants. But, for the rest, these characters' histories and personalities have always been dependent on their special talents and abilities. Now that they've been born with radically different ones, the outcome might be very different.

So what's new and different? And what's stayed the same?

Taken Characters // Holds // Application
Mod Journal // OOC Journal

[info]hailhawthorne in [info]fantasy_rpgs


"A Supernatural Inspired Game"

COMMUNITY SYNOPSIS: In May of 2013, Heaven was boarded up and the angel inhabitants were cast out due to a spell that would eject them from their home thanks to the self proclaimed pencil pusher for God, Metatron. It has been two months since the angels were ejected and scattered all over the world, creating a random population spike of unidentified people and shortly after, a population decrease of identified individuals who crossed paths with an angry fallen angel. The human world has become an even more dangerous one with these angels scattered about, but not all of the angels have the same agenda. Most are angry, confused and just want to go home. Some have accepted fate and have tried to adapt to human living, but others are still on the warpath. Their wings may be gone, but not their powers.

Sam, Dean and the other hunters and creatures that go bump in the night are all on notice and must learn to live with this and attempt to stay alive in this Hell on Earth scenario.

OTHER INFORMATION: Characters from all different fandoms come together in [info]amongus ( Pre-mades, Original Characters ). Fandoms featured include: The Hunger Games, Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD, The Boondock Saints, Star Trek, Once Upon A Time, Merlin, and Disney's Frozen & Tangled to mention a few. All are welcomed and originality is encouraged.

Currently, Gale Hawthorne (the demonic successor to Abaddon and proclaimed King of Hell) is reeking havoc on Lawrence, Kansas with his cohorts. You want to play nice or play bad? Choose your fate. Join [info]amongus here. Come play with Gale and the gang. Some of us bite.

AMONGUS is not affiliated with anything Supernatural or the characters/bases/etc. It's all for fun, so join us.

[info]wdf_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

When Darkness Falls: A New Orleans Supernatural Game

Seeking: female characters, kitsune, fae, witches, and humans!

When Darkness Falls is an original character role-playing game set in the iconic city of New Orleans, Louisiana. The story began in November 2012 when supernatural beings were still hidden from the public, living alongside unsuspecting humans who were never the wiser. Werewolves, vampires, shape-shifters, and gifted humans struggled to keep their secrets, while still maintaining relatively "normal" lives.

In 2014 a group of humans, bent on exposing the supernaturals for what they are, began cropping up in cities across the globe, including New Orleans. Their cause grew quickly, and despite resistance the supernatural community was exposed to the world in grand fashion. The initial reaction was to condemn supernaturals, to lock them away and to keep their kind away from humans. This proved futile, however, as the supernaturals banded together and fought back. The war between the human and supernatural worlds did not last long, however, before the government began to intervene.

Presently the world is making a shift toward a new era, where supernaturals and humans can co-exist together in a world no longer segregated by lack of knowledge. There are those who still oppose this movement, though laws and regulations are now in place to protect the interests of all parties. While humans must learn to cope with the new world order, supernaturals must learn to adjust to no longer lurking in the shadows; darkness is no longer their ally.

Opened in November of 2012 and currently seeking new, active players!