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February 8th, 2015

[info]hero_chicken in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Chickenitis event has begun! The Hero Queen is available: apply for her today! Index - Beginner's Guide - Face-Claims - Cast - FAQs

[info]xprojectmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse/Marvel RPG - Open for Applications


Out of the fires of destruction, rising from the ashes of an old world comes the all-new X-Project! Following the Dark Phoenix Saga, we’re reopening applications on February 15, 2015 with a relaunched game, a new setting and a variety of newly-available characters with blank slate backgrounds.

X-PROJECT is an X-Men Roleplaying Community on Livejournal inspired by the Marvel Movieverses. Combining the X-Men movieverses with the other existing Marvel properties, we use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | YouTube Channel | Tumblr | Application Checklist

[info]wdf_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

When Darkness Falls: A New Orleans Supernatural Game

Seeking: female characters, kitsune, fae, witches, and humans!

When Darkness Falls is an original character role-playing game set in the iconic city of New Orleans, Louisiana. The story began in November 2012 when supernatural beings were still hidden from the public, living alongside unsuspecting humans who were never the wiser. Werewolves, vampires, shape-shifters, and gifted humans struggled to keep their secrets, while still maintaining relatively "normal" lives.

In 2014 a group of humans, bent on exposing the supernaturals for what they are, began cropping up in cities across the globe, including New Orleans. Their cause grew quickly, and despite resistance the supernatural community was exposed to the world in grand fashion. The initial reaction was to condemn supernaturals, to lock them away and to keep their kind away from humans. This proved futile, however, as the supernaturals banded together and fought back. The war between the human and supernatural worlds did not last long, however, before the government began to intervene.

Presently the world is making a shift toward a new era, where supernaturals and humans can co-exist together in a world no longer segregated by lack of knowledge. There are those who still oppose this movement, though laws and regulations are now in place to protect the interests of all parties. While humans must learn to cope with the new world order, supernaturals must learn to adjust to no longer lurking in the shadows; darkness is no longer their ally.

Opened in November of 2012 and currently seeking new, active players!

[info]freereignmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Love's a game.
Wanna play?

plot.   rules.   holds.
taken.   faq.   wanted.
apply.   contact.   dropbox.

The year is 2020, and court has been abuzz since the extremely pro-equality King Arthur Weasley was crowned. Royalty, nobles, and commoners alike are now free to live however and love whomever they want, causing more scandal than court has ever seen before.

As the new royals adjust to their lives of luxury and fame, the opportunistic and hungry circle with hopes of gaining power and prestige, and noble families are angling to influence the naïve rulers through any means: gossip, secrets, blackmail, arranged marriages...

Nothing's out of bounds in FREE REIGN.

NEEDED: PRINCESS FLEUR. Lily Luna, James Sirius, Albus Severus, Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley, and more.