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May 29th, 2014

[info]losthogwartsmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

What happens when...

After a Hogwarts student made an ill-fated attempt at creating a portal to leave Hogwarts at will, people from all different fandoms will begin to arrive at Hogwarts with absolutely no idea how it happened or how to get back. These are people of all ages and backgrounds who have to learn to live in an entirely new world and function. Some are magical and some are not. Some are a different sort of magical. What will happen when these people all end up together?

Lost at Hogwarts is a character-driven panfandom roleplay game set in the Harry Potter universe. Characters will live at Hogwarts, regardless of age and be able to visit and work in Hogsmeade. They will even be able to visit London and Diagon Alley on occasion. Characters will be sorted into houses to live in and will be able to earn house points.

...a spell goes wrong?
Premise // Holds
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

[info]otsukimimods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


[info]sdbd_rp in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Seattle; Drop by Drop: - Original Supernatural Fantasy

So, a disclaimer, of sorts; at first glance my site seems a tad on the inactive side. This is due to two factors; one, a lot of the posts in the last few months have been solos/writing challenges, both of which are non-visible to guests, and two, it's been a slow spring. College, and a cross country move recently for the admins, and just a general sleepiness has left the posting a bit sporadic. BUT, we have about 5 members who have been around 2-8 years, are well established and enthusiastic and WILL plot with new members and are looking for people to plot with, as well as a small handful of newer members looking to get their feet wet. Once we get some enthusiastic new blood we will get people more active, we always do. It'll be 8 years in May that we've been open and trust me when I say, we have our active and our slow times, but we always have people around.

We're an Original Supernatural, we have an open plot but in depth modern lore; all the races have their own write ups, cultures, etc. Not to the extent that you won't be able to jump right in, more so to explain their existence in and effect on modern society. We have a lot of fun stuff to do IC. The regular rp stuff of course, then Solos, writing challenges which are, basically, a solo post with a 'theme', from music that inspires a post, to something about the characters past, a moment they regret or think of fondly, and our favorite, the In Dreams challenge, a guided challenge that explores various scenarios in a dream format and is without a doubt the best character development helper on the site. We also have IC games, and an IC Cbox that's a loose bar setting.

We also have occasional storylines, which run with a sign up, and feature a handed out 'plot' or outline to get everyone into it. These have ranged from absurd (Body swapping/turned into animals/gender swapping/etc for April Fools, flowers that inflict the target with a variety of interesting affects for Valentine's Day, etc) to the down right scary (a dark carnival, a Silent Hill like Hell Dimension, and more.)

Race wise, we have a ton of great stuff, from human types (witches, elementals, necromancers, psychics) Lycans, vamps, and a class called 'shapeshifters' which is anything but your usual shifter type. They come in several flavors, from a generic type to a gender shifter, animals who turn into people, and even shifters who turn intoplants.

In short, if you're willing to bear with some slowness, I assure you my site is full of epic and awesome and we'd love to have you.

Here's the 'Formal' ad, please start with the Faq and History & Intro if you do browse.


Welcome to Seattle, Wa., one of the most socially, and supernaturally progressive cities in the country. Front runner in some of the most controversial movements of the Supernatural Community, from Synth Blood in every bar to an All Supernatural Police Force, there's no better place for those seeking the freedom to be themselves. But it's not all sunshine and ponies, don't let that fool you. Seattle's got a dark side, and a bit of aweird side, too. But whatever side you're on, whatever you're looking for, you're sure to find something here... Or it might find you.

About us:

  • Urban fantasy/supernatural creature site, set in modern day Seattle.

  • A wide variety of playable races, from witches and necromancers tovampires and lycans, and several completely unique races like the Viri, (who are much more than -just- winged humans), the Idimmu, (refugees from other dimensions with colorful skin, wings, horns, and more) Shapeshifters, who come in several varieties; animals, reptiles, plants, and even a class who can shift their gender. And we just re-did our 'Half Demons', so check those out too!

  • A friendly and welcoming site, active but laid back.

  • Lots of great things for members, from a 'Searching For' section to a Player Adoptions section, writing challenges, IC diaries, and more.

  • Our plot is basically member driven and open, but we also have monthly, site wide storylines that anyone can get in on.

  • No word count; we have a variety of players who post anywhere from 120-2500 words on average.

  • Short Apps! Just basic info like height, age and weight, with a focus on thehistory.

  • We like to let people have choices, whether it's using a celeb/musician/stock model or none at all for their playby, or writing in 1st or 3rd person.

  • We also have the Sub Accounts mod, so we let players choose whether to use an accounts-per-player style or an accounts-per-character style linked to a main OOC account.

  • We're self hosted, but don't let that intimidate you; it's a very user friendly board software, and because it's self hosted, you won't have to worry about downtime or shutdowns.

So please give us a look, and if you have any questions, please catch us on the cbox!


[info]savingthedays in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The city of New Waverly, NJ is a super-human hot-spot. The rest of the country looks in to see what to do with the rise of the super-human population, and the "problem" only seems to be getting worse, day by day. However, there are talks of a cure, which could change things drastically.

But what happens when the cure goes wrong?

SAVINGTHEDAY(S) is a original character super-human game based in the fictional city of New Waverly, NJ.

WANTED: More super-heroes, especially members of First Class Fighters and Stars and Stripes! Alice (leader of the Wonderlands), kids attending NKN/The Academy, lower level supes, workers at the Boombox Cafe, more gang members, mafia members, yakuza members, white collar Omicron associates. More details here.