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September 25th, 2013

[info]nexttonormalmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

A niche of normalcy.

The year is 1977. Voldemort has been gaining power and followers, but for the most part Hogwarts has continued to remain sheltered. There have of course been questions of disappearances and disturbances in both the muggle and wizarding world, and Voldemort has begun recruiting students from more influential families. There is no indication yet of exactly what scale all of this will eventually amount to, but things have begun to take shape, no matter how normal the Hogwarts staff tries to keep life at school.

Next to Normal is a mostly social game that explores the marauder era students as the world around them begins to get darker with the rising in power of Lord Voldemort.

This is Hogwarts, welcome home.
Available Characters // Characters Wanted
Application // IC Journal // OOC Journal

Wanted: Severus Snape, Gryffindor Quidditch Players, Brigid Avery, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, 6th Years

[info]peakview in [info]fantasy_rpgs

We all heard the stories when we were kids...about knights, princesses, dragons and fairies, but that's all they were right? Just stories. What if they were all real? What if all the fairytales, legends and myths were based on truth? We all know how the rumor mill works. Everything gets twisted, and the real truth behind the story gets lost. Here's the real story there is a world of magic just beyond this one. A world of magic, creatures and kings. Sometimes pieces of that world crosses over into this world and that's where all of your childhood fairytales come from. There used to be all kinds of portals into this world, but now there is only one and it is Peakview Nevada. For years this town has been the lone border stop between the two words. Magical creatures and normal humans live there in peace....unknown to the rest of the world, of course. Thanks to the magic of a great sorceress within the kingdom there is an illusion barrier surrounding the town. To the rest of the world it looks like a normal town, but the residents of the town see the truth. It's actually a magical kingdom ruled over by the benevolent Princess Rapunzel. The city is currently at war with Queen Maleficent and her followers, so the land has been ravaged by death and destruction. Hopefully good will win out and there will be a Happily Ever After as there always has been....right?

[info]peakview is a Multi-Fandon game based loosely on the fairytale world. Right now only fandoms already on the taken list are accepted.