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September 5th, 2013

[info]quisquismods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Almost thirty years ago, Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord. In the years leading up to that fateful day, he and his friends were forced to grow up too quickly and miss out on what it truly means to be a teenager. Thanks to their heroic actions, the children of the Potter generation can all go to school and grow up on schedule.

It's 2027. Things at Hogwarts are (relatively) normal. Wizarding technology is starting to develop. Tensions, in general, are low. Since they don't have to fear for their lives, the students of Hogwarts create their own drama instead, just like any normal group of hormonally-charged teenagers that live in close quarters for the majority of the year.

QUISQUIS is a next generation, canon compliant game set during the 2027-2028 school year. The game focuses on character relationships and development instead of an overarching plot, with daily events and lottery scenes to keep things interesting. But remember: although your characters won't be fighting for their lives in this game, that doesn't mean their time at Hogwarts will be lacking in dramatics!



[info]arcturusacademy in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Arcturus Academy was founded in 1614 by an Englishman named Underhill Perryvall. The Perryvall family had an excellent reputation as explorers and scholars, but they also had a secret. Their line was a magical one, with every member of the family being born a witch. Tragedy struck when Underhill's only daughter, Lucy, was turned into a vampire. Underhill sought to bring his daughter to Arcturus to keep her safe, but she was ultimately killed by wary villagers in their travels. Rather than be destroyed by his own loss, Underhill sought to honor his daughter's memory by making it is life's work to help others like her. In his mind, Arcturus was the perfect place for vampires to live peacefully, as from November to February the island is cast in polar night. The school was built slowly over the course of his lifetime, with many enchantments being placed on the island itself so it could not be found by those who were not strictly invited. The university came first, and some hundred years or so later the boarding school – which now covers grades 9 – 12 – was built as well.

Today, no one in the outside world knows that Arcturus Academy is anything more than a very prestigious school. It's alumni boasts some of the most powerful people in the modern world, and both a pre-law and pre-med program to rival that of Harvard University. However, its student body is not exactly what one might expect. It is not only the wealthy and powerful who send their children to Arcturus. No, to study at Arcturus you must be invited. And only those who have had their lives touched by the preternatural receive such an invitation.

Vampires, witches, werecreatures, psychics, elementals – all these things exist, and they and their families are always welcome at Arcturus.
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[info]rippledtimemods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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