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May 20th, 2013

[info]nosecrets_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Muggles have been spotted wandering all but a few yards from the wards surrounding Godric's Hollow. Similar sightings have been seen around Hogsmeade, and even the Leaky Cauldron which keeps Diagon Alley safe from curious muggle eyes. Has something happened in the ministry to suddenly risk the muggle world finding out about ours? Or have the groups which have been preaching for years that muggles deserve to know about our world finally begun to take action? Only time will tell.

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[info]gravitationmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs





Most Needed Characters

Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Sharon Carter
Phil Coulson
Darcy Lewis
Peter Parker
"Logan" Howlett
Carol Danvers
Jessica Drew
Maria Hill
If nothing felt particularly resolved when the last Chitauri warrior fell still after the battle for New York, one thing was clear. The world had changed. Super-powered individuals were no longer the remnants of half-believed legend, written off as freak accidents, or simply the pet project of self-impressed billionaires. They became real--a valid topic for political and social debate. For every whole-hearted supporter donning a 'Tony Stark' haircut, there was at least one person who felt it was simply the next phase of vigilante justice (and that it should be terribly illegal). The visibility of the Avengers spurred the growth of more costumed super people--villains and heroes and the more morally muddy all amongst their ranks. If anything was clear, it was that the world had just become more complicated--and out of the shadows would come forces intent on ensuring that not every victory would feel so decisive.

Gravity: Chapter 1 is a Marvel role play group psl set in the Cinematic Universe, canon through the end of The Avengers. The game has a lifespan of between six to nine months with a plan in place for continuation. Our hope is to provide an active and interactive community for Marvel muses that will make the community as dynamic as Marvel films and comics.

MEME WEEK BEGINS MAY 24th. Join today>>>>>

[info]remodel in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The year is 2001 and it’s been four years since He Who Must Not Be Named lost the war for control of the wizarding world. As the world moves forward and changes are being made, somethings will always stay the same. Young people just starting their lives will make mistakes of the professional and personal kind. The world will claim to embrace progress while fearing change and there will always be bright, idealistic people out there ready to turn the world upside down in the name of making things better for everyone.

[info]remodel is a trio era Harry Potter game focusing on the changing aspects of a post war wizarding world. A rebuilt Diagon Alley and a gentrified Knockturn Alley will set the stage for the lives of a younger wizarding world and their strive to make their own places in their world.