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October 5th, 2010

[info]mmovement_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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Now Accepting Applications!
Will open when we either have 6 characters, or on October 15th

[info]wmu_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Holds Application Cast FAQ Everything Else!

In 2023, the first Wizard University was opened in Ipswich, England. Offering an alternative to traditional internships, the school was a welcome relief to places such as St Mungos and Professional Quidditch Teams, where applicants far exceeded the vacancies. One year later the school is thriving with nine offered subjects, co-ed fraternities, street games, and Quidditch tournaments. Gossip and rumours, pranks, and day-to-day mishaps make college life anything but boring. Just mind the occasional streaker.

WMU is a next generation Harry Potter game set at university. With a focus on character development, good storylines, and both friendships and relationships between characters, we’ve gone back to basics that make role play fun. We encourage good writing, journaling, threading, and our players to simply relax and have fun.

[info]silent_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Her Holiness has arisen and has refocused her powers on rising the Order again, recalling those who died to return to help her. Doing this with the last of her power, she offered a solution to her minions: Find those who escaped Silent Hill. Bring them back for sacrifice and she will come to this world again at her full power. The Sinners must be found and pay the price.

Sadly, those who left would not be enough, she would need many more.

Silent Hill: Lost in Nightmares is about characters that worked for the Order searching out those who left Silent Hill by dragging them back and making others come into the town to be sacrificed.


Links & Wanted Characters

Cast/Taken - Rules - FAQs - Contact - Application - The Town


[info]catburglary in [info]fantasy_rpgs

After stumbling upon the trailer videos for Star Wars: The Old Republic (here and here) I am really itching for a good Star Wars line. I’d like to set it during either the Great Galactic War or the Clone Wars. If we go with the Clone Wars I wouldn’t be opposed to making it a bit AU and have the Sith play more of a role in the war with Dark Acolytes or minor Sith running around.

Ideally this would be a slash line between a Jedi (my character) and a Republic Commando (non-clone if we are doing Clone Wars) that are working together during a major conflict. I’m open to other ideas though so if watching the linked video’s catches your attention, hit me up.