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September 6th, 2010

[info]gravecomfortmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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places and jobsthe townspeopleghostly things

Grave Comfort is a supernaturally themed original character role-playing game set in a fictitious small town known as Comfort, Virginia. Established in 1763, Comfort has a rich history going back to the original colonies of America. In the present day, it is famous for the strange goings-on that happen throughout the town: mysterious lights over the woods, a haunted former prison for the criminally insane, haunted train tracks, the remains of a 19th century cult that ended in mass murder...there was even a cult slasher film series based on the town's supernatural history that has spawned an annual horror film festival. Typical tourist attractions can be found in town too, from tours on the Buckley Plantation or at the Thorpe winery to visits to the Historical Society's Museum or one of the many art galleries in town. Come to Comfort for its attractions, stay to experience its oddities.

Welcome to Comfort!

[info]mischief_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Wizarding World is more peaceful than it ever has been since before Lord Voldemort's first rise to power. It has had twenty-five years to heal and rebuild. Instead of preparing for a war that has been looming over their heads for years or hunting for pieces of a damaged soul, the students of Hogwarts have the chance to do what many of their parents missed out on -- being normal.

They're loving and hating every minute of their adolescence like a proper bonds that will last a lifetime. They're busy doing important things like studying for N.E.W.T.s, having parties, playing Quidditch, visiting Hogmeade, using Nosebleed Nougats to get out of class, attending school events, participating in clubs, smuggling in Wild-Fire Whiz-Bangs, and sneaking around the castle in the dead of night.

The year is 2023, Albus Potter's seventh and final year, and things are finally normal... well, as normal as they can be at Hogwarts. Because really, how normal are the enchanted Chocolate Frogs that end up in the girl's dormitory in the middle of the night or the missing bones in Rose's hand from a dueling gone wrong?

Game set to officially open on September 22nd!


Needed: Most of the Weasley-Potter clan, Scorpius Malfoy,
and the offspring of almost every Trio-era character!

[info]modsofthezone in [info]fantasy_rpgs


It doesn't happen with a flash, a bang, or any sparkly pizzazz.

Everyone's transition to the Zone is as simple as waking up on a bench in a room filled to the brim with luggage. This is the Baggage Claim room. A kind attendant will help you find all the trunks with your name on them, but don't expect to get any answers out of the attendants. They're all smiles and no answers.

Most Wanted: RON WEASLEY, HERMIONE GRANGER, Neville Longbottom, Charlie Weasley, Lee Jordan, Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Katie Bell, Roger Davies, Ernie Macmillan, Orion Black, Walburga Black, Louis Weasley, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, & more.

[info]wmu_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Holds Application Cast FAQ Everything Else!

In 2023, the first Wizard University was opened in Ipswich, England. Offering an alternative to traditional internships, the school was a welcome relief to places such as St Mungos and Professional Quidditch Teams, where applicants far exceeded the vacancies. One year later the school is thriving with nine offered subjects, co-ed fraternities, street games, and Quidditch tournaments. Gossip and rumours, pranks, and day-to-day mishaps make college life anything but boring. Just mind the occasional streaker.

WMU is a next generation Harry Potter game set at university. With a focus on character development, good storylines, and both friendships and relationships between characters, we’ve gone back to basics that make role play fun. We encourage good writing, journaling, threading, and our players to simply relax and have fun.

[info]atonementmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It is August 1998. In the world of Harry Potter that you know, things should be shifting toward normal. They wouldn't be perfect yet, but then again when is anything perfect. Admittedly, things would be a good sight better than the way things are here. All but two Horcrux has been discovered. The locket, the diadem, the cup, the ring, and the diary. We all know about Harry but what of the 7th? Instead of creating the horcrux in Nagini, Voldemort decided to wait until he was returned to his body to create it. He felt it would make it more powerful if he was in his correct form. So after killing Cedric in the graveyard, he gave his most loyal and cowardly follower, Peter Pettigrew, a gift in the form of a new hand. Little did his follower know, the hand was a piece of Voldemort himself.
This small change shouldn't do much to history, right? If only that were the case. Peter was never in the Malfoy Manor the night that the Trio was there. He couldn't repay his life debt and was not killed that night. No, he was kept safe with Severus Snape at Hogwarts, who was the only other person amongst the Death Eaters who knew the secret of Peter's hand. Severus agonized for months on how to reveal to Harry and his friends this knowledge. No safe way presented itself given his position in the school and his inability to leave Peter behind to do anything constructive left him in a tight spot. There was no way to safely do t his without risking his own life.
The Battle of Hogwarts never took place. The trio did not know the form or the location of the last Horcrux that they were aware of so they did not return to the school. Without the battle, Voldemort's rule was never upset. The Carrows remain in their positions and life has continued to grow worse for those who do not submit to Voldemort's reign of terror. Severus knows what he must do, but will the rest of you be up for the task?
OOC GAME World Wanted Characters Rules Application

[info]aiodemods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.