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June 27th, 2010

[info]moonlessmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Before you, Bella,
We all know the story of New Moon, but what if things didn't end the way that they did?

The year is 20052006, and emotions are running high. Edward left Bella in a state of heartbreak and confusion, which only pushed her closer to Jacob Black. Even after learning about Jacob's little secret, Bella found that she couldn't keep herself away from him. He had become her best friend and the source of light in her life, and eventually feelings began to develop between the two of them. Meanwhile, Edward stayed away from Bella as he had promised her, and therefore couldn't see how broken she had been during his absence. It was only after Bella's cliff-diving mistake that her life began to turn upside down again. Rosalie told Edward that Bella had died, which forced him to make an irrational decision to go to Italy and face the Volturi. Alice came to check on Charlie, and instead found Bella alive and well when Jake had taken her to her house.

But what if Bella had never gone to Italy? What if Edward returned to Forks the day after Alice came to check up on Chief Swan because he just had to see the truth for himself? And what if the recent murders in Seattle reached Edward's ears once Carlisle found out about them? Will the battle against this new threat be the greatest one of their lives, or will the task that Edward has to face in order to get Bella to believe him be greater?
my life was like a moonless night.

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[info]chaosunmodded in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Please enjoy your stay, and try not to die.

It started out as rivalry between two adversaries, but eventually turned into a game. Out of frustration (or entertainment), both God and Satan created a game. They made the game board, they made the rules, they've set the prize, and now they're collecting the pieces.

Chaos Unraveled is a multi-fandom/OC friendly game set in the fictional world of Chaos Unraveled. Characters are asked to join either Heaven's side, or Hell's side. Some characters are more than willing to join the cause, while others need more encouragement. Those who join the game will find themselves playing to either save the worlds, or to have them annihilated.

The fate of the worlds rests on your shoulders!
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[info]piffledmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

After the near destruction of Hogwarts in the summer of 1998, several changes were decided upon during its reconstruction. Hogwarts had always been a great place for learning, but lacked what some of the other magical schools had: a well-rounded education that focused on more than just magical mastery. With a helping hand from the newly established Ministry, several elective clubs and activities were created and formed to encourage expanded learning.

These changes have evolved over the years, slightly changing as professors came and went at the school, but never quite disappearing. In fact, Hogwarts has become very event-oriented and is now hailed as a hands-on teaching school.

There is still some harsh criticism from certain media outlets and former Hogwarts students that remember how the school used to be run. In fact, some would call the need to implement art as something required for learning to be quite piffling.


Piffled is a game set in the school year 2022-2023, focusing on students from 5th to 7th year. An event oriented game, students are encouraged to participate in as many clubs, school activities, and events as possible. As a reminder, all students are required to take one fine art elective "club" to keep up with Ministry requirements.



[info]df_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Disney: Fables in Exile
a disney/fables crossover RPG


The world that the stories of Disney inhabit is a large one, and has remained largely undisturbed for decades. Fairy tales were allowed to flourish, capturing the imagination of all those who witnessed them. After all, a story never really dies..

How can it?

A man named Kevin Thorn has a magickal pen, one that tells the stories he wants it to. And Mr. Thorn wants to wipe clean these sanitized, simplified tales and bring back his older, darker creations. To flee this destruction, the fairy tale creatures of many a world have disappeared into parts unknown, finding refuge in other books, other art. Those in the world of Disney's creation have done the same, only they have retreated into Thorn's own world, seeking to hide under his very nose. If they remain three-dimensional, and move among the normal humans he sees every day, perhaps he will not notice their disappearance.

Their path is a tricky one. Despite being drawn as perhaps a fox, a cat, or even a fish in their own world, those Disney creatures had to take human form to exist in this new place of tenuous safety. They must work to buy food and shelter, and pass among the humans unnoticed. And all along, they have to fear Thorn and those who would wipe out their stories completely..

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Game Starts July 12th!