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June 20th, 2010

[info]furtheraway in [info]fantasy_rpgs

a next gen fairy tale experience


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away---oh wait, you've heard this one before? That's no surprise. We all grew up with fairy tales. And these stories of dastardly witches and wizards, of beautiful princes and princesses and crafty fairy folk are just that---stories. But what if they're not? What if, in an actual kingdom that was further away than you could ever imagine to get to, there were people living out the tales you heard every night before bed? And what if their mothers and fathers told stories of far off lands much like our own world? They probably wouldn't believe that this place exists, just as we couldn't fathom that there's a world where Cinderella really met her Prince Charming, and true love's kiss could really wake a sleeping beauty from a deathlike sleep.

But that place does exist. In a world parallel to ours, in a place that no magic but what we cast in our dreams could get us to, the characters of these fairy tales are real; living and breathing but slowly fading away. Yes, that world is waning and all because the one thing that fuels it and keeps its residents alive is in short supply. That one thing is belief. And as our belief in the magical fades away, so will all that is magical.

But there is hope. There is a family who, through ancient magic, has always been able to travel to and communicate with the other world. No one has ever been able to explain why the two sons of Grimm were connected to the land of fairy tales and enchantment. But it has been this way since before Jacob and Wilhelm began recording the stories of things they knew and heard from far far away. In their descendants, Rolf and Edwin Grimm, who have inherited this magnificent ability, lays the only hope for the people of the fairy tale world.

Even Further Away is a social, thread based rp game set at a fictional Grimm Academy where the children of popular fairy tale characters have come to live because their world is dying. Descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm have found a way, through limited magic, to bring the next generation [ie Snow White's children etc] to our world in order to save them from theirs. Because the land of fairy tales is so different from our own, a boarding academy has been founded by the brothers so that these children can smoothly transition, and learn about the ways of our world in order to survive in it. The game will center around the students, their lives at the academy, and their interactions with each other all pushed along by some zany subplot.

original table layout/coding by [info]chaperoned via [info]rp_tutorials

[info]battyads in [info]fantasy_rpgs

about the game
the gossip girl
Battywarts is an epilogue compliant next generation game. We follow the Hogwarts class of '25 as a mysterious witch who calls herself the "Gossip Girl" watches every move the students make, and religiously reports on it. No one is safe from her bi-weekly reports splashed with snark, wit and sarcasm.
Oh, who am I? Well you don't have to worry about that. Just know that I know what your best secrets are (you lot really must learn how to hex your journals better!) and I might be inclined to reveal them. All's fun in love and war, and face it, you're going to love me.

Game reopens June 25.
Last party of the summer June 30 (in game, August 30)
Back to Hogwarts July 1 (in game, September 1)
Premise Application Holds Rules Wanted/Unwanted

[info]guiltmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Guilt by Association (Post-DH, non-epilogue compliant game)

Guilt by Association
Guilt by Association is a post-Deathly Hallows, non-epilogue compliant RPG, occurring nine months after the battle. GbA is a game that encourages character development with the added benefit of a plot arc, as well as game-wide events that lend to personal plotlines.
Premise | Rules | FAQs | Available Characters | Application
Cast List | Authors Comm | GbA RPG

WANTED: Gregory Goyle, Bill Weasley, Anthony Goldstein, Padma Patil, Angelina Johnson, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Marcus Flint, Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe, Fleur Weasley, Verity, plus many, many more available!

[info]modsofthezone in [info]fantasy_rpgs


It doesn't happen with a flash, a bang, or any sparkly pizzazz.

Everyone's transition to the Zone is as simple as waking up on a bench in a room filled to the brim with luggage. This is the Baggage Claim room. A kind attendant will help you find all the trunks with your name on them, but don't expect to get any answers out of the attendants. They're all smiles and no answers.

Most Wanted: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Angelina Johnson, Pansy Parkinson, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lily Luna Potter, Fred Weasley, James Sirius Potter, Rose Weasley, Louis Weasley, & more.

[info]bustierde in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Premise | Characters | Rules | Apply | FAQ | Friends all | Contacts
Penombra: A Twilight Based RPG
We know the story, from the books and films.
But what if we want to know more?
What about the inner relationships that existed between family and friends?
Aren't you itching to explore them?
This is a basically canon game, tracking the events from all sorts of perspectives and views of the occupants of Forks, Washington. We need canon characters, vampires, werewolves and humans alike. Off-cannon characters are also invited to join.

[info]progeny_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]modernmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

modern age: a simplified dc universe rpg

modern age
~ a simplified DC Universe rpg ~

"Sometimes even heroes need to be saved."

A blend of comic books, cartoons and live action series, Modern Age is a "good parts" DC roleplaying game. Whether you want to hack the planet as Chloe Sullivan or play up your spy skills as Tess Mercer, or write award winning headlines as Lois Lane we have the characters you want to play!

via [info]modernmods


[info]seductionmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs




Explore your passions with us...

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