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May 26th, 2010

[info]nocturnemod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It happens so quickly you don't know what's happened. One moment, you're sitting in your chair at home watching the footie game, and in another you're in a chamber that looks out of a historical movie. There's no electricity, and it's damn cold in that stone room. You stand up and walk to a table with a candle burning, your magical journal there. And yet, instead of cardboard and plastic covers it's leather and has your name written in the front. Stuck between the pages is a letter from someone calling himself only the Baron. He apologizes for your sudden tumble into his world, but assures you that you will be at home in the castle and that the small village near by is friendly to witches and wizards. He promises you work if you need it... but offers no way home.

Nocturne is a multi-gen Harry Potter game based in a world of ambiguous historical setting that offers a place for writers to place their favorite characters in a world that they have never been in before. Our game begins with ten characters.

[info]fierimods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

On June 4th, 1973, the first sighting of the Dark Mark was reported over the home of Quentin Parrish, the Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and a Muggleborn. Two days later, Albus Dumbledore met with Minerva McGonagall and Alastor Moody. One thing was certain: You-Know-Who was gearing up and the Ministry under Hensmoke was no longer equipped to handle the crisis. Not alone.

So the Order of the Phoenix was born from the ashes of this tragedy. Will you join in their fight? Or does the Dark Lord hold you under his sway?

Game opens June 4th. Place your holds now!
MOST WANTED: Death Eaters, especially the Inner Circle, Bartemius Crouch, Sr., Millicent Bagnold
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[info]bl_ads in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Bellum Letale

Apartments For Rent
VACANT. Djinn comes from extremely low beginnings, and he lived his entire life at the whim of more powerful people: an underground drug cartel. His masters have mostly used his unique skills to remove living obstacles from their path. He's been sent to Bellum by his superiors, who he would not consider denying, to find blackmail information on anyone in the building with the capacity to pay.

VACANT. King Arthur's sister is nothing like her golden older brother. The child of an illegitimate affair, she hates everything the successful King Arthur represents. She's always followed Lancelot around like a puppy, however, and even if the man has never given her the time of day, she refuses to give up on him. He'll come around one day, and in the meantime, she has King Arthur's misdeeds to expose.


There is an apartment building in New York called 'Bellum Letale.' Most people ignore its auspicious name, though they would be advised to pay more attention to its meaning.

It is a strange building.

Every man, woman and child in the building is a reincarnated fable, the stories told to human children for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. Once very real, the fables began to fade as science and reason dispelled the probability of their existence. They have all been reborn in human forms, though their essence remains, waiting to be awakened at the right time, in the right place.

Now is the time - Bellum Letale is the place. As their lives connect and weave together, as they follow their petty desires and long-held grudges, they are, all of them, on the brink of disaster. Their Landlord knows their every move, and the building they live in seems to have an agenda of its own. People are tortured, people die, people plot behind each other's backs and sneak around and cheat. They love, they fight, they draw blood. This is not the fairy tale you remember being told.


[info]gotham_siren in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Would anyone be interested in a vampire or psi-thief shaped like Rose McGowan?

[info]hogwars in [info]fantasy_rpgs


The year is 2025. Students are eager to aboard the train as they begin the journey to Hogwarts. It's September first and the castle is ready to open its doors again. But, wait, eager, you say? . . .