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March 10th, 2010

[info]atticcity_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


The gods have been given a second chance: Prove that they can rule over a city without destroying everything they come into contact with, without bringing forth chaos or using its residence as playthings, and they will be given back their thrones, their duties, their places on earth, in the sea and underneath it all. After thousands of year spent suffering in Tartarus, they are ready to redeem themselves. They want to go home. They won’t make the same mistakes with these people, as they did with Helen and Paris, with Semele and countless others. They can not afford it. They were not meant for eternal imprisonment.

You were minding your own business, going about everyday life in your world, when suddenly, they pluck you away without warning. You’re human and you’ve never raised a hand against anybody. You’re a vampire and you’ve spent the last century in mourning. You’re an alien. You’re a superhero. You don’t know what you are and it doesn’t matter. Because they still want you and they’ve taken you. Gaia and Prometheus have stolen you away and they’ve dropped you into a city that has everything. There is no way out.

And the gods weren’t expecting people like you.

A multi-fandom game. With Zeus.

WANTED: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Apollo, Aphrodite, Athena, Anteros and many many more!

You have Gods looking out for you now…
The Game || Taken Characters
Holds || Rules || FAQ

[info]mysticrealmmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Mystic Realm


Feel the Magic

Creature Info
Creature Powers
Places to go
Friending Button: FL
Contact Post
Drop Box
Since the beginning of time the creatures of magic have been awed, wanted, and hunted down. Religions fade and fall. Fears grow and abate. The beings of this world change, grow, and they adapt.

Lost in the world grander than its dreams, a small town beckons you. Its name is Crystal Falls, nestled in the middle of one of the largest lakes of the south. The only way in is through boat or flight. There are others here like you. They live normal lives, adapting their ways as you have had to do to survive with your freedom. You wonder how many of them know. You wonder just how long you all have until the fear grows, questions go unanswered, and the hunts begin. You wonder if the humans will be able to stay, as some wish to keep the island for the mythical creatures only.

For now, this town is safe, a haven for the mystical creatures of lore. They welcome you with open arms. Most are friendly like no other place in the world. More are coming, drawn to the power already here in this enchanted land, and by the powers of the ones long settled here. The promise of protection, friendship, family, normalcy, whatever it is you want out of your life is here and now. How long will it last? Who can you trust?

Welcome to Mystic Realm.

Game will begin Monday: 3-15!!

[info]proviseur in [info]fantasy_rpgs


[info]mulligan_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Taking a Mulligan

"Mr. Malfoy, 'twenty reasons we are still way better' is not going to be on your Muggle Studies NEWTS"

Premise - Rules - Character List - Portrayed-Bys - Application

looking for: Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, the Patil Twins, Hufflepuff Girls, Seventh Year Ravenclaws, Sixth Year Gryffindors and Slytherins.

[info]narrowsmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

AU Post-War Harry Potter RP





Character Directory

It was always meant to end this way. Lord Voldemort or Harry Potter, one would have to destroy the other. In the year 1998 Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, fulfilled his destiny and destroyed Lord Voldemort. The battle was fierce and the losses were great but in the end, the reign of Lord Voldemort was finally over. The battle was over and it was time to move on. Hogwarts was rebuilt, the class of 1998 spent the summer catching up on the classes that they had missed while beginning training in their future jobs. The new Minister of Magic, a half-blood wizard, put strict laws in effect to allow for the capture of Death Eaters and their supporters.

Things were quiet, things were peaceful. The Golden Age, some were beginning to call it. Free from persecution, wizards of impure blood were taking places of honor and respect . The trio finally begain to relax and it seemed as if things were finally well. Little did they know that there was darkness brewing once more. Rodolphus Lestrange, driven mad from grief, had taken on a protégé. An intelligent and ambitious former Ravenclaw Aiden Chambers.

A Call for Freedom

This was the title of the opinion piece that Aiden submitted to the Prophet. The passionate article spoke of the shift in the muggle world, that it was no longer quite so taboo to be a so -called witch. It served it purpose, raising all the appropriate eyebrows. Could it be done? Could they reveal themselves to the muggle world without mass hysteria?

Aiden was brought in as one of the Minister’s top advisors as the Ministry tentatively began to creep towards revealing themselves . Once again the wizarding world was divided, the people who supported the change and the people who thought it was dangerous.

Order members began to come forward in support of it, not realizing that while they were supporting it, former Death Eaters were sending out feelers, gathering a new and more terrifying army.


[info]speculorummod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Harry Potter RPG: Trio-Era AU

speculum speculorum
or mirror of mirrors is a Harry Potter RPG set in an AU of the Trio-Era.

We know the story of Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the chosen one, but what happened if that story was flipped upside-down. The prophecy read to Lord Voldemort might have meant another boy, Neville Longbottom.

In speculum speculorum, the story is simple: Lord Voldemort went after Neville Longbottom in late 1981, not Harry Potter. Their encounter resulted in the death of both the child Neville, and the Dark Lord. Now, years later, Voldemort's most loyal are planning their revenge on those who chose the other side. They have their sights set on the other boy in that prophecy, along with his family and friends.

It is Harry Potter's 5th year at Hogwarts,
and no one is ready for what's to come.

Please see the following links for more information.
complete game premise / rules & guidelines / application
taken characters / available characters

MOST WANTED: ADULTS: Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rita Skeeter, Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Weasleys! STUDENTS: Hufflepuffs! Dean Thomas, Weasley twins, Pansy Parkinson, Lavender Brown, Padma Patil, Cedric Diggory, & others

[info]quarantine_ops in [info]fantasy_rpgs



rules | application | the mods
characters | wanted characters | hold a character
frequently asked questions for the concerned american citizen



Once, Compound One - comprised primarily of the Salisbury Hotel - the safest place to live in New York - possibly in the Infected wasteland of the United States. It is steadily becoming a prison to its inhabitants, a nation-state under the martial law of one zealous man. Those who remain try to stay alive amid the tyranny and injustice of the man who only seeks to "keep them safe" in Compound One. Residents disappear if they subvert - but to where? Are they cast out to battle with the cannibalistic horde? Or are the rumors of the Underground Railroad true? What of whispers of a cure for the Infection? Some survivors are too grateful for the relative safety to question - relieved, at last, to not have to fight for food, water, and shelter. Others remember a better time, when the safe zone was protected by a man with principle...


The refugees, lead by Rory Teague, have found permanent solace on a fleet of sailboats. They are afforded mobility and relative freedom, after nearly a year on the run from the Dictator of the Salisbury. Teague, former leader of Compound One, still gathers survivors out of the city into this new water-borne life. But the refugees are never idle - their friends and loved ones remained trapped inside the walls of Compound One. With the knowledge that his people are safe for now, if trapped, Teague works to lay plans for his expanding armada. But the conflict with the Salisbury is never at rest for long - a war brews across the city. And help may come from the most unexpected of places...


Nestled quietly in the borders of an Infected-free area of the city, a small band of holdouts hide in the Urbana Luxury Apartments and debate whether to join the Compound. But they live under perpetual threat and harassment of having their freedom of choice revoked, simply because they wish to peacefully coexist. They are a faction divided: some wish to experience the comforts of the Salisbury. Others urge them to wait, to see, not to lock themselves away. In a time when mere survival is so important, mankind fighting against itself is sure to be destructive. Soon, the decision may be out of their hands. But the Salisbury guards have no idea, the force of will that awaits them in resistance...

click for more.

- We feature a strong, consistent Game-wide plot.
- We have a list of main plot-heavy characters for your convenience.
- There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
- Due to the graphic nature of this game, we only allow players eighteen years of age or over. No exceptions.
- NC-17, slash, femme-slash and het friendly.
- Compound Residents who are ready to stay put
- Urbana Folk
- Guards are needed for Compound One; due to the overseer's rules females need not apply.
- Dedicated Vasiliev workers to work closely with the operations of the Compound. Please contact a mod for the professional development of this character.

[info]headoftheclass in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Hogwarts without magic. It's that simple.

Premise | Rules | FAQ
Available | Taken | Application
Clubs | Contact List | Friends Button

Sirius Black, Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Peter Pettigrew, Harry Potter, James Potter, Lily Potter, Severus Snape, Nymphadora Tonks, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley

Coming Soon

[info]alchemysl in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Alchemy: Incantare Legacies

The war between good and evil has raged on since the beginning of time. Shadowkind have crossed over from the Arcane plane to haunt our realm; our only salvation had rested within the families who were bestowed gifts by the Ancient Ones in order to protect mankind.

Pulled away from their simple lives, it was up to the magic wielding progeny to carry the mantle. They fought and subdued the Shadowkind with their abilities; every Shadowkind that fell by their means was replaced by ten more. It became apparent that a retreat to Azoth Manor was in order. The heart of the bloodlines power center posed a possible aid in repelling their foes. Even in greater numbers, proper knowledge, and even with blessed weapons, a long, arduous battle followed them. The Arcane families were sundered. Entire bloodlines disappeared in the blink of an eye. If there were any survivors, they were most likely hiding.

With little hope left for the world, the Ancient Ones decided to search for new hosts to replenish the shredded ranks and bring about a new generation of magic. These new warriors would be chosen through millions across the globe. A special soul and spirit were both needed to survive the transformation, and they would have to be found before the Shadowkind realized that the Ancients were slowly regrouping their forces. The war was far from over.

Premise + The Forum + Contact Us + Icon Credit

If you are planning to join/apply for this SL, please let one of our mods know so that we can approve your account. We can be reached at AIM: awilteddesire or alteredlore.

Disclaimer: Alchemy Incantare Legends is based on the old Alchemy and Eldritch SLs found on AOL. The owner of this SL, Matt, owns all three. We do not make profit off of anything presented in this game. Ideas from D&D and Supernatural are incorporated into this SL, though the game & the fandom are not included within. This journal is used for recruiting, and main play will be on the board, located here.