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February 12th, 2010

[info]plagued_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Virus
PB Page

Wanted Characters:

»Draco Malfoy
»Susan Bones
»Blaise Zabini
»Hannah Abbott
»Seamus Finnigan
»Death Eaters
»Original Student Characters
and loads more!

Currently casting ghosts:
»Sirius Black
»Remus Lupin
»Colin Creevey
»Severus Snape

What would you do if you lost your magic?

A virus is sweeping its way through the corridors at Hogwarts. A virus that inhibits the use of even the most basic magic. The Ministry have declared a state of emergency and placed a magical quarantine around the school, trapping the disease, and everyone inside.

But it's not just students confined to the Hogwarts grounds.

One by one people find themselves losing their ability to perform even the simplest of spells. But even as they struggle to try and discover a cure, darker forces are beginning to close in on the school.

Death Eaters stalk the forest, cabin fever is beginning to spread like wild fire, students dreams are linked and most unpredictably, Cedric Diggory's ghost has returned!
And according to him, more are coming...

Plagued RPG is a Post-war Hogwarts-based Harry Potter RPG set in the year 1998. We're a very open, friendly, plot driven game with added twists and surprises to make sure there's never a dull moment in writing. We value character interaction and development and encourage characters to interact through journals, open threads and the experimental 'Grab Me' Policy!

There's no where to run when it's in your blood...

[info]guiltmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

GbA: A friendly, active game that opened in late January!

Everybody has a secret.

The year is 1999. The war's over ... right?

Everyone has a secret, and members of the wizarding world are no exception. These carefully kept guilty secrets, hidden away in the darkest corners of hearts, begin to come to light when the Death Eaters are suspected of making a resurgence in the year after Voldemort's demise. Rebuilding in a time of political turmoil, what will the people of the wizarding world choose? Will they allow the Ministry to arrest and interrogate any and all suspected Death Eaters? Will they speak out against the tactics being used? Will some try to exact revenge by turning in those who've wronged them? Or will those secrets have people treading softly for fear of being arrested themselves?

Guilt by Association is a post-Deathly Hallows, non-epilogue compliant RPG. GbA is a game that encourages character development with the added benefit of a plot arc, as well as game-wide events that lend to personal plotlines.

Game opened on January 29th
Links of interest
Premise // Rules // FAQs // Available Characters // Application
Cast List // Authors Comm // GbA RPG

WANTED: Oliver Wood, Penelope Clearwater, Gregory Goyle, Bill Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Susan Bones, Fleur Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Hestia Jones, Millicent Bulstrode, Aurors, DE sympathizers, former(ish) Death Eaters, other adults!

Layout courtesy of [info]rp_tutorials

[info]smmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Secundum Moenia

Secundum Moenia

Two years after the final battle, Hogwarts hosted a week-long festival to celebrate it's re-opening. The culmination of this festival was a great ball and everything went off without a hitch; until the after party. When the classes of 1998 and 1999, along with a few extra Weasleys, got together to open a time capsule everything changed. Suddenly they were all sent to the year 1978 with no idea how or why it happened.

Now, stuck in the past with their parents and relatives, many of whom are younger than they are, they need to discover why they were brought there and what they need to do to get home.

This is a plot-based game taking place in 1978 where anything and everything may be a clue. Open to select characters from the Golden generation and anyone and everyone from the Marauder's era.

Watch as history repeats itself... again.

Game begins March 5th.

Premise || Apply || Rules || Characters Lists/Holds || Taken Characters || Friends || RPG Boards ||
OOC Boards || Info/Mods

[info]justforeverme in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Epitaph: A New Game


The end of the world is no longer nigh - it's already here...

All around the world, society seems to be falling apart, civilisation crumbling. The modern world is tearing itself apart under the weight of a reality it has denied for so many years. The reality that the supernatural does actually exist.

It exists and some of it is actively aiding that downfall as people wake up for find that they're voted demons into office, that their laws and structures were made by the things that really do go bump in the night. Mob rule has taken down some places in the world, and global communications are failing quickly.

But some areas are holding out, trying to keep it together. Communities who are standing side by side, willing to fight to preserve their way of life. But what is their way of life? Who gets to decide that? And does 'supernatural' automatically mean bad?

What do you think?

[info]tastymod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Taste Of Magic

Taste of Magic


Come for the baguettes, stay for the adventure


There are many reasons to take an island vacation. There's nice weather, fruity drinks with fancy umbrellas and swords, and hammocks swaying gently in the breeze. The things you don't think of are the insects, mermaids, and all that pesky magic. It seems that you can hardly curse at a stray cannonball from the eternal pirates on the beautiful tempestuous ocean without some manner of reaction from the world. Maybe it's just something in the air, or maybe it's that strange man baking bread at all hours of the night. The only way to find out, and get home, is ask around and then ask yourself if this life isn't just a little bit more fun than the one you left behind.

Taste of Magic is a panfandom RPG that takes place on a magical island half a step away from the normal world. All fandoms are welcome, all pups are eagerly greeted with a smile and a cookie. There are buildings to create, a village and underwater city to explore, and, yes, pirates to fight or join.

Game is open. We welcome all adult content; het, femme, slash, w/e. We do not welcome violence and drama.

[info]advertisemyrp in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome

The whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable.

--Margot Fonteyn

The truth of the matter is that magic exists. It's been right under everyone's noses for centuries, and yet it's been kept secret. The Statute of Secrecy had been threatened, possibly compromised, and for the first time ever, Muggles are about to learn of the existence of witches and wizards.
Already groups have formed. Groups bent on revealing wizards to the world. Groups bent on covering everything up and keeping it as quiet as it's been. The school's safety has been compromised once before. What's next for the students of Salem Academy?