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January 5th, 2010

[info]shatteredmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Within two years, the whole of wizarding society has become unrecognizable. In the end, Voldemort fell at the hands of Harry Potter, but the victory was not without severe consequences. With the smoke clearing and wizarding England in ruins, the first survivors began to slowly show their faces and began to return to their lives. But after years of knowing or ignoring the darkness, it might not be as easy as they'd like to return to the light.

Return to Hogwarts. Return to the place of the final battle and see what the war has left behind. Students returning will be shocked to realize that their houses were destroyed and they must unite for the reconstruction effort. Gryffindors in Slytherin house? Ravenclaw in Hufflepuff? How can prejudices be forgiven so easily?

| Harry Potter | Ginny Weasley | Cho Chang | Remus Lupin | Slytherins | Hufflepuffs| Ravenclaws| Daphne Greengrass | Millicent Bulstrode | Dean Thomas | Seamus Finnigan | Neville Longbottom| Weasleys (Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Percy, Molly, Arthur)


[info]niveus_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Wait, why are there
naked people...
in the snow?

Mod Journal   •  Inside the Compound   •  Out In The Snow

[info]mods_wp in [info]fantasy_rpgs

You open your eyes to darkness. The air smells stale and confined. Lifting a hand, you feel glass, smooth and curved. Instinctively, your heart beats faster. A tentative push and it rises away from you, swinging to the side. Light filters in through windows above. You blink, your eyes adjusting to the shadowed room as you try to remember what happened.

A thin layer of dust covers everything. There are no panes of glass in the windows. The virus. You remember now. They told you stasis was a precaution. Only a few weeks. A month, at best. Let them get the virus under control.

Standing beside your pod, legs shaking from disuse, you feel a sense of apprehension creeping over you. Your heart beats even faster now. A table nearby has a pile of scrolls on it and, with a sense of foreboding, you cross to find the one with your initials on it.

~~~ The year is 2100. ~~~

Waking Pandora is an AU, post-apocalyptic Harry Potter RPG based partially on the History Channel series Life after People. One hundred years after humanity is destroyed by a Muggle-made virus, people - magical and muggle - are waking up in the stasis pods that had been humanity's bid for survival.

Armed with only a small pack of things, your wits, and limited initial magical ability, you must learn to not only survive but also rebuild the world, brick by brick, and child by child. Anything is possible in Waking Pandora.

Ask yourself this: Do you want to be a vital part of an RPG that is more than just commonplace and routine? Where the world you build is literally the new world of humanity and players can participate as much as they want? Then Waking Pandora is the place for you.

Wake up to a world where Hope and the future is what you make of it. Waking Pandora

Most Wanted: Ron Weasley, Dean Thomas, Harry Potter, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Susan Bones, Lee Jordan, Rodolphus Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Parvati Patil and more. Original Character applications being accepted. Ask us how!
Premise | Application | Open Characters | FAQ | Rules

[info]buggerallmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Wizarding World has seen its fair share of suffering, such as the reign of Lord Voldemort that occurred not once, but twice. But, as it was foreseen, good triumphed over evil and the world gained peace. It seemed to be everlasting for witches and wizards everywhere, a great relief to those who feared the worst in the midst of rebuilding. Twenty-five years later, someone now threatens to destroy the peace that has come to be, though not in such a way that would strike fear in the general public. It's much worse: Hogwarts has a new Headmaster and the students aren't going to like him.

Tiberius Ogden was just appointed the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the summer, the former Headmaster, Matthew Harrison, having abruptly retired when he suddenly came upon a very large sum of money. The Ogden name is famous for its liquor, though Tiberius has no interest in making drunks out of his peers. No, Tiberius Ogden followed another path, one of strict behavior that came with wielding a firm hand rather than a tap. A retired Hit Wizard, Tiberius has known a life of hardship and determination and believes that today's youth are becoming weak-minded prats. As a way to change this, he quickly took up the position Headmaster Harrison wished to discard.

Students will be in for quite the shock when they return to school to have their yearly start of term feast. Not only are they receiving a new Headmaster, but he comes with a whole new set of rules - rules so numerous in count that a book of them was created - something each student will find at their seat.

Will your student follow the rules or say Bugger All! to them?

[info]solemnly_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

...Now Open!!...
Solemnly Sworn
A Dark Marauder-Era RPG
Solemnly Sworn finds the Wizarding world in the summer of 1978 following a canon timeline with limited allowances for crack plot. As 7th year begins, the Marauders prepare to begin their final days within the shelter of Hogwarts in the midst of a progressing war. The Order is but a vague idea in the minds of those who would see an end to the tragedy and destruction that has begun to tear at the Wizarding world...How it will end, no one yet knows.

We're an open, friendly community with devoted moderators seeking an easy going atmosphere with emphasis on character development and player-generated plot.

Currently seeking:

Amelia Bones ~ Caradoc Dearborn ~ Albus Dumbledore ~ Cornelius Fudge ~ Fenrir Greyback ~ Rubeus Hagrid ~ Igor Karkaroff ~ Rodolphus Lestrange ~ Peter Pettigrew ~ Fabian Prewett ~ Gideon Prewett ~ Rhamnus Rosier ~ Ted Tonks ~ Arthur Weasley ~ Molly Weasley ~ and any Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff students

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[Taken Characters] | [Application]