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July 31st, 2009

[info]luxmrtn in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Dark Nocturne : : A Supernatural Socio-Political RPG

In 2022, the elders of the Vampire species reveal the truth about their existence to humans, and they claim to seek peace with the leaders of Man. They say they wish to ease fears as they openly integrate with human society as fact, not fiction, something they have not attempted in centuries. However, acceptance into the United Nations is the least of their problems; after all, there is dissent among the Vampire people themselves. Some fight for equality, while others fight for superiority. The crime rate among vampire society has skyrocketed almost overnight. The number of active hunters has doubled as well. And amidst the trials humanity and vampires face together as they struggle to see each other with unprejudiced eyes, rulers of other supernatural races begin to fear that they too will soon be exposed because of the parts their peoples have played in Vampire history.

It is a time of great political and social change. Everyone’s future hinges on this era.

[info]darknocturne is an original supernatural, socio-political RPG taking place in the year 2022, six months after vampires have revealed themselves to humankind. Mythology is not borrowed from books, films, or television series; it is a modified blend of different traditional cultural legends and myths. We accept many kinds of paranormal characters, including but not limited to, shapeshifters, werewolves, clairvoyant humans, dragons, angels, demons, elementals, and fey.

Oh, and we also have zombies.


[info]twisted_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]iamb_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[in a matchbox]




Character Directory

Most Needed Characters

Ron Weasley
Order Members
'Good' Guys
Cannon OCs
Wars always leave scars. Sometimes they're in the shape of missing limbs, or gouges in the flesh, pain in the joints or chronic headaches. But sometimes, they come in the form of nightmares. Sometimes those nightmares don't go away when you open your eyes, as you're forced to relive the horrors of your past. And sometimes these horrors haunt you your whole life, causing stress on your personal and professional life. Sometimes those horrors and those nightmares are so real, that you can't tell the difference between them, and every day life. That's when the nice young men, in their clean white coats, come to take you away.

To The Sanctuary.

The Sanctuary, a clean, safe, wholesome environment where former Order Members, former Ministry Aurors, and former Death Eaters can all recover from the horrors of war together, and learn to get along in a calm and controlled space, where everyone gets their own personal room, and an hour a week with a qualified therapist. There are visiting hours, there are group activities, there's a game room, and a large, beautiful garden out back just waiting to help the inhabitants of The Sanctuary ease back into a normal life and cast away their demons.

If only it wasn't run by a woman who would be better suited as one of the patients, instead of The Director. Cameras and microphones in every room, journals that are private to everyone but her, and the possibility of a punishment around every corner. Oh, you'll write home every week to your family and make sure to tell them how well you're doing, and how happy you are here.. or she'll never let you leave.

Even then, she might not.

[game begins] July 6th, 2009. Join today >>>>>

[info]squick in [info]fantasy_rpgs


THE PANFANDOM; You start out in your own little world, surrounded by things familiar to you until you find a strange glowing light on the ground. Considering you are a creature of curiosity, you inspect it and find yourself in a large, never-ending hallway with endless archways that glow. Unsure of which one you came from, you keep coming in and out of different ones, hoping you'd find the one you came from.

You've entered The Beyond, who knows how long you are going to be lost. There seems to be some strange re-occurring pattern of an organization coming up in each person's world, threatening their ways of normal life.

Certified Panfandom is a game where your character can live in their own world and travel to others by finding a glowing point. They might get lost on their way in or out, so it doesn't matter. This is a panfandom game that offers weekly challenges for characters and is hopeful for activity. This game is what most panfandoms lack!

[info]brokencity_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Broken City

premise | rules | wanted
taken/held | cast list | application
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Mutants have been around for years,
and for a while, they were accepted members of society. Simple products of evolution, certain people were born with gifts that normal humans couldn't begin to fathom being able to accomplish. Most joked about the idea of superheroes and described these abilities as "powers" on the streets. Some, of course, didn't trust this advantage. Regardless, it wasn't abnormal to see somebody on the street corner cooling their glass of lemonade with their hands, or a shop owner doing the work of three men all with his mind. They were your brothers, your sisters, your neighbors, your teachers... They existed, and everyone knew it. America was prospering, life was content for most, and the economy continued to grow.

Then disaster struck.
America became too comfortable with their place as top dog. They became a bullying country, certain that nothing bad would befall them. On the evening of April 05, 2009, a cybernetic attack on the United States took place, wiping out every computer system in the country, and taking over those belonging to the military. Our own bombs attacked us, the economy crashed overnight, and within days America went from super power to third world country. The rich suddenly found themselves dirt poor when the computers recording their monetary earnings erased every cent; business after business went bankrupt. Soon crime was on the rise, and people had to jump through hoops to survive. In the wake of the destruction, a scape goat was needed.

They blamed mutants.
People that used to dine with their mutant neighbor soon started to attack them. Murders became the norm, and with as much chaos as there was, most went ignored. The bad economy made way for crooked cops, the rise of gangs and mafias, and, of course, every scumbag looking for a pay day to run rampant. The U.S. government, determined to build an army and get revenge, and the resources for the most powerful army was just staring them in the face. They began abducting mutants off of the streets to bring them back to a secret division known as Operation X to perform experiments on them. They were looking for ways to boost powers, but more importantly, they needed a way to control the mutants they captured. The danger was fierce, so those with powers took a variety of measures to escape persecution. Some denied what they truly were and attempted to live their lives in the new world as normal humans, hoping to never slip up in front of the wrong person. Others banded together and hid in a mostly ruined part of the country that used to be Manhattan that is rumored to be haunted, radioactive, and all other sorts of crazy superstitions (most created by the mutants living there to keep normal humans away). Still others thrived in the new dog-eat-dog world, using their powers to swindle people out of their money.

In 2020, it gets worse.
All things prior to 2009 have been eradicated from the computers, but the country slowly starts to rebuild. Eventually, people start to figure out how to survive almost normally. Computers are relied upon less, new jobs are created to take the place of robotics, and people have figured out ways to cut corners due to the shortages of items at different times--and gas at all times. Used to this way of life, people become ignorant to the allocation of funds to Operation X, which has used ten years to develop a method of brainwash that has so far proven foolproof. Each expendable test subject brings them a step closer to creating the power boosters, and an even darker world lay on the horizon for the ostracized mutants as their friends disappear--and sometimes reappear as their enemies. It forces most to head for the Broken City, as dubbed by those who founded it, a mostly underground city that looks worse than the world surrounding it but works enough to keep them alive.